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Positive Experience With Herbal E
Sida cordifolia
Citation:   abacus. "Positive Experience With Herbal E: An Experience with Sida cordifolia (exp21916)". Erowid.org. Jun 7, 2018. erowid.org/exp/21916

2 capsls oral Sida cordifolia
In my continuing search to find a genuine, legal alternative to E, I endeavored to try 'Caps', which contain the psychoactive Sida Cordifolia. Three doses of two pills each cost 7.50 GBP, equivalent to 12 USD. Having tried many 'herbal highs' in the past with no response, I didn't have particularly high expectations.

After eating, I took two pills with a glass of water, which was equivalent to 1.2g of the active ingredient. I then went out clubbing in the east end of London with a friend.

I didn't feel any effects until around 90 minutes after indulging. I was careful not to drink any alcohol which would interfere with the experience. Initially I noticed that I had an excess of energy. I was literally bouncing around, chatting to strangers, and feeling the need to smile. I could feel my heart beating faster than usual, but this wasn't an unpleasant experience, and dancing felt great. The feelings continued for around an hour, then gradually faded. There was absolutely no come-down, and the morning after I felt fine, if a little tired.

I can't say the experience was identical to E. I didn't feel the same warmth inside, but the experience was still very positive, and there was no come-down at all; I would liken it more to a coke high. I felt totally in control, but still full of energy and life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 21916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 2,946
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Sida cordifolia (785) : General (1), First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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