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Spacey Head at Such a Cost
Morning Glory
Citation:   freetrip. "Spacey Head at Such a Cost: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp21963)". Feb 17, 2020.

250 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Yesterday a friend of mine (let's call him D) were at the local mall thinking of ways to get fucked up, when I remembered that you could trip from MG seeds. So, we walked over to Walmarts to buy 14 packs of seeds (1.3 grams per pack.) To make a long story short, we got the seeds, we both smoked a couple cigs, and we both parted.

Fastforward to about 2 AM that night. I snuck downstairs while my parents were asleep and prepared my 6 packs of seeds (D had givin one to a stoner friend of ours who was gettin us some high grade pot for a low amount of money, leaving us with 13 packets, he kept the odd one after we divided the packets up, since he DID pay for them) that I had. So, once I went back upstairs I ingested the 7.8 grams of seeds, poped in some hendrix, and prepared for whatever would come.

Shorlty after my stomach became very upset and I was tetering on the very edge of spewing.

I started to notice small things, like the walls would breath a little, or the room stretched away from me a little.

I became a zombie to the music, each drumbeat circulated through my every being.

With my eyes closed I experienced the most amazing feelings of comfort, and occasional splashes of color here and there, in my vision, that is.

My stomach was very fucked up at this time, so much that I couldnt take it any longer and I threw up, very violently, into my bathroom's toilet. Suddenly my stomach was at ease and the 'trip' progressed. Looking in the mirror, my face would ripple slightly everytime I touched it.

Once I got back into my room I thought of some very strange things.

For example: I thought 'there's a guy out there who's thinking about a girl, who's thinking about a guy, who's thinking about a girl, and that girl is thinkin of two guys, and those two guys are thinkin of 4 girls...' and that progressed until I lost count.

Sometimes I felt myself deflating, but nothing spectacular.

I then fell into a deep trance like sate, where I remained for the remainder of the night.

When I awoke I put my marijuana seedlings up on my windowsill, and left in my dad's car to my friend's place. On the ride there I noticed some minor closed eye visual, mostly limited to bright colors, and the occasional kaleidoscope visual.

Now, I'm feeling incredibly sick and ready to pass out. I would NOT try this again,and instead will stick to shrooms.

However, I would most likely do this again if I had some herb on hand to calm my stomach down and relax the after effects.

I have a major test to do tomorrow and hope I'll be well by then to pass it.

Maybe next time it'll be more enjoyable.

Oh, and PS- I'm sorry if this seems too short or my typing is off, I'm still very out of it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 21963
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2020Views: 589
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Alone (16)

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