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After the Death of a Loved One
by tee
Citation:   tee. "After the Death of a Loved One: An Experience with MDMA (exp22033)". Mar 11, 2003.

After the suicide of my husband I tried MDMA. Without it I probly would not have made it through the pain. MDMA helped me deal with my feelings in a nontreatening way. It helped me look back at the good not the bad. I learned how to care again without the fear of death looming over me. I think there needs to be more research of MDMA in a psychiactric setting. It seems to me by my experiences with the drug that the good out weighs the bad. More people could be helped in so many ways. I hope that more people talk about all their good experiences so MDMA becomes a positive thing in the public as well as the private.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22033
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2003Views: 5,187
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MDMA (3) : Unknown Context (20), Health Benefits (32)

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