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Good for Menopause
Citation:   el sid. "Good for Menopause: An Experience with DHEA (exp22038)". Mar 11, 2003.

5.0 mg oral DHEA (pill / tablet)
I was both desperate and a little unsure about adding DHEA to my regular rotations of vitamins and minerals. I'm an 'older hippie' type who still enjoys recreationals and is in early menopause. By the way, I am convinced that smoking pot makes my hot flashes worse, but that's another topic. I got the DHEA, 'pharmaceutical quality' from a website which was recommended in a book I was reading about menopause. The cost was $10. inc. shipping for 100 tabs. I got the 5 mg tabs about two months ago and have taken them every day, once a day.

I like this stuff. It was recommended as a drug which could help balance hormones and although I still have symptoms, I have felt much better generally. The literature says it's a mood stabilizer for us girls and it seems to have that effect. My body has changed, although I weigh the same I don't look as chubby. I have more physical energy, am more willing to park my car a little further away and walk, simple things like that. This dose is much lower than the recommended, which is anywhere from 25 mg a day and up, but it seems to work just fine and of course quality matters. I recommend trying it for this purpose.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22038
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2003Views: 21,727
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DHEA (171) : General (1), Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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