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Bad Memories
DXM (Coricidin) & Cannabis
Citation:   kevan. "Bad Memories: An Experience with DXM (Coricidin) & Cannabis (exp22074)". Mar 13, 2003.

T+ 0:00
240 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 32 mg oral Chlorpheniramine Maleate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30   smoked Cannabis  
I first heard of coricidrin from a kid that was getting drug tested, and had started taking the pills. He instructed me to take atleast 16 pills within 5 minutes, which at the time i thougth was absurd so i decided to ask around some more.

lots of kids said theyd tried it with extremely high doses, 16, and even some kids had done 36 pills in one hour. Not listening to them my first time i only took 6. At the time i was going to my friends lacrose game which was indoors. I got to the game and didnt want to do anything but sit and the corner.

It was difficult to proccess my thoughts, and everything was hard to understand, in general i felt very light and removed from everyhting around me. It only lasted about 2 hours. I didnt try them again for a while. The next time i did was at a party and i took 9. bout an hour into the party i started to get very jittery and couldnt sit still. I was thinking insanely fast, nothing made sense to me.

I was talking very fast and loudly. This time the high lasted for about 3 hours, and at the end i wanted to do more of this drug. 2 weeks later i had another 8 pills, and just as the symptoms started to kick in i went to my neighbors house nd smoked about a gram of marijuana. I felt jittery but stoned at the same time, a very strange feeling. I told my neighbor i wanted to go get a movie, at this time i wasnt feeling that out of it. We got in the car and started our 40 minute drive to the store.

I cant recall much of what happened in the car, but it wasnt good! I remember thinking to myself i had lost it. My neighbor later told me i was ramblign on at an insane rate, just talking about whatever i was thinking, nothign made sense and my eyes were popping out of my head. When we got to the store me and my neighbor split up and when i couldnt find him right away i panicked.

I started calling for help, i had no clue what was going on. Thankfully he got to me before i attracted too much attention. The salesmen at the store could obviously tell something was very wrong with me whne i blurted out 3 different movies i wanted to get at the same time. We bought our movies nd left. After that my memory is prety much a blank as to the ride home and how i got in bed. After reading all the horrible things on this site about coricidrin im going to stop taking it, and try to get the kkids at my school to switch to something safer or stop.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22074
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 13, 2003Views: 9,086
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DXM (22), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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