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Addicted to My Meds
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   OKComputer. "Addicted to My Meds: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp22122)". Mar 7, 2007.

  repeated insufflated Amphetamines (ground / crushed)
I was diagnosed ADHD in the summer of 2002 and was perscribed 20mg Adderall. When I first got the pills I never took them because I thought the whole ADD/ADHD thing was pretty much bull shit. About a month after I got them a friend saw them in my room and informed me that they were an amphetamine and could get us high. Wanting to know if this were true or not I suggested we crush some up and snort them.

I'm a HEAVY pot smoker and have also used exctasy, coke, mushrooms, acid, opium, and a variety of different painkillers but i'd never used any add drugs like ritalin or dexedrine. So I crushed up 1.5 pills (30mg) and snorted that my friend did the same.

Unlike coke Adderall didn't burn my nose and actually had a pleasent fruity taste to it. Within five minuets of snorting this stuff I was totally fucking jacked. This was by far the best drug I'd ever done and after smoking a fat ass blunt it got even better. I stayed up for the next four days binging on adderall.

It's been about nine months since my first experience and I do Adderall or dexedrine at least once a day. I can't function right without dextroamphetamine in my system I need it to go to school, I need it to go out with friends, I need it to have sex, I need it to clean my room, and I needed it to type this report. I strongly recomend that no one try this drug it can be very addicting don't think it's safe just cause it comes from a doctor.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22122
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 7, 2007Views: 9,255
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Amphetamines (6) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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