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Too Smart
5-MeO-DiPT & GHB
Citation:   Ikoman. "Too Smart: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & GHB (exp2219)". Jun 27, 2000.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:20 1.5 g oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 5:30 3.5 g oral GHB (liquid)
  T+ 8:00 1.0 g oral GHB (liquid)
The other Saturday night some friend of mine invited me and my friends to the inauguration of a dance club, and I decided this was a great night to do some foxy. I eyeballed 10mg from my last experience (i weight 55 Kg) and a little less for my girlfriend (R) who weights 45 Kg. This was about 11 o'clock.

20 minutes passed and I felt it coming. I took some GHB (1.5gr) R did too (.75gr) and we went outside my house where a car with friends was waiting. We jumped in the car and went to this club, that was running for the first time. When we got there, I was already feeling it quite strong but no visuals. Something with my jaw...

Inside there where a lot of friends and I felt like talking to all of them of those things that keep you awake at night. I was feeling a little anxiety too and i think this was coming from the guy who was going to play the records who is my friend. I thought he was nervous, which made me nervous too. At 2:00Am arrived more people, and they invited us to smoke some weed. We went to the back of the club and smoked some pipes and to joints (we where rotating PEOPLE because there where 15 friends who wanted to smoke) I don't know why but I never left... I smoked until there was nothing left. Then I when back to the dance floor just in time to the change to techno trance goa music (before he was playing some G-rap which is not for me). Now I was REALLY tripping. For moment I felt like floating and if I closed my eyes I could feel presences, a lot of beings who where looking at me in a row. But then again I was feeling like pure speed. My mind racing. so many thoughts. The lights. The colors. The mix is not right.... Why is he doing that with the pitch?? NOO HE'S FUCKING EVERYTHING!!!!

I look at the floor where we are dancing (note:this night all people was invited but we where the only ones that liked this kind of music, so we where the 'soul' of the party) and i see it's all wet. Wet and dirty. Slippery. Dangerous. I see how people starts to move away from the center of the floor. And I thought all the people were going to leave and the night was going to be a failure... All of this in about 5 seconds. I managed to get something to clean and be cleaned and dried the floor. So the people started dancing again.

3:30 Some more GHB I can't say how much I was pretty high at this point and the lights didn't let me see straight but I think it was 1g. I wasn't feeling ok. I couldn't stop dancing because if I did my body felt so strange. My legs where so tired, but they wanted to dance.

4:30 R, M, L and I walk outside the club. I don;t really want to go home but R is felling tired and she's staying in my house and I won't leave her tripping (and she wanted to test the foxy qualities of the dipt) I kept thinking so much of almost everything. I was a little paranoid with the people in the street, but we decided to walk because we where pretty 'open-eyed' still. We walked home, something like 15 blocks. It was late and we were really tired, but we never stopped talking. I was a calculator, a philosopher, a comedian. All at the same time. Io the way home we bought two bottles with water. R put 1.75g GHB. I made my 'crazy juice' of 3.5 gr because I wanted to sleep. We did this at two blocks of my house.

5:15 We got naked and we.. well we had some sex. Because that was it. 1 hour of getting some and 'stop, let's take a break'. I couldn't come. too drugged. too smart. too bad. But we had some great time taking nasty pics with a digital camera. after this R finally fell asleep. I had to take 1 more g of GHB at 7:00 to be 'a little somnolet'

Foxy is not an aphrodisiac for me and neither entactogen. It's a mind accelerator, with some things of amphetamines and some of LSD. There was some reminiscence of the Shrooms too (some strange hallucinations. Nothing melted or breathed, But if I stared at something and the watched somewhere else, I would see a strange merge of the two images for a second, leaving me guessing what just happened. And I think with this you can FEEL the emotions of other people it happened with the fear of my DJ friend and with R too because it was her first time with it. I recommend less than 10mg for your first time and if you like it you can get a little more... but more than 10mg I suppose it must be too much (at least for me) I am willing to try it again when I've got the occasion.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 2219
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2000Views: 7,550
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Combinations (3), Sex Discussion (14), Various (28)

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