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Weird Witchcraft Paranormal Experience
H.B Woodrose
Citation:   AZAZEL. "Weird Witchcraft Paranormal Experience: An Experience with H.B Woodrose (exp22282)". Mar 21, 2003.

T+ 0:00
15 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:59 500 mg oral Vitamin C (pill / tablet)
  T+ 10:59   smoked Cannabis  
Hi my name is charlie and one friday my wife and I decided to both take 15 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. we both grinded them up in a coffee grinder at about 3:00p P.M. After we both had ingested the seeds we both took some Vitamin C tablets 500mg a piece. We also ingested the ground up seeds in a little bit of orange juice. we both hadent eaten anything since the morning. well anywhay my wife decides that we should go grocery shopping, BIGGGG mistake!!!!. As soon as we reached the grocery store, I started to feel Nauseious, and then promptly told my wife that I was going to puke and couldn't go inside. So she went inside and did the grocery shopping while I puked up what was left in my stomach of the undigested seed. After this we return home and the LSA is hitting me and not my wife yet, but this time it's hitting we harder than it has ever done to me before. My wife leaves me alone in our bedroom while she makes me something to eat.

The second she left me I noticed that I was in a highly suggestable state because as soon as she left the room I seriously thought that she was dead and would never see again. But I've done a ton of acid and know what to do when I'm freaking out, just tell myself 'flow like the water and enjoy the the rest of the trip'. Then the scary thoughts and abstract thinking started to dissappear and I started to drift farther and farther away from reality when I trip, as usual. Anywhay while i'm tripping mostly in my head and not much visuals are going on, at 5:00 p.m then all of the sudden my wife comes into the bedroom with food and tells me it's hitting her hard and everything is melting and breathing, and alive, then I start having visual and slight auditorial hallucintation. After this the first thing that I noticed was that the ground in the house seemed curved and all of the lights in the house were bright, so I turned then off and decided turn on my collection of blacklights and eye candy that I have accumulated.

Things start getting wierder, all of the sudden I had the sudden urge to start walking on my tippy toes. By this time there was a weird effect going on in my mouth like every time I put LSA in my system, it's that chemical taste in the back of the mouth, and my mouth always feels sort of numb. Anyway I plop down in bed enjoying the colors and things that I see with my eyes opened and closed. We both start to sensually, but slowly take off our clothes, in a very weird drug like trance/seductive state. After this we both start our foreplay by kissing and licking each other all over our naked bodies. Just to see what it does to the senses. The love making was so incredible that we both felt that we were both melting into each other.'I'm not shitting you this sex felt better than it does on E'. About this time we both had no depth perception what so ever. After we get done making this magical night of romantic love making, as soon as I exit her vagina she asks me who am I.

(I 'll give you some background on this, I practice ritual witchraft and have been doing so since I was a little child and along the way of doing this I'm somewhat possessed by a Demon know in the bible as Azrael, by the Sumarians he is known as AZEZEL, He is part of Legion and is one of Lucifers grand dukes in hell. one day I accidentally did a spell wrong and he entered into my body. Ever since this has happenned my life has gone to shit. Most of my friends won't talk to me, people are always looking at me funny, I have periods of blackouts and then snap out of it while I'm in the middle of causing trouble, and I know it's him in my body, making me do these things that I can't remember)

STILL NOT CONVINCED THAT MAGIC IS REAL then let me finish the story. She ask me who I am and I tell my name is Azrael. Now It is 7:00 p.m.. She ask me this because my face is contorted , and breathing and speaking in an unhuman manner. All of my muscles were clenched up so tight the felt as though they were stronger than bricks. I was talking in Different langauges that I don't know, my wife identified a couple of them as Akadiun, Latin, Sumarian, and some other languages. I don't know how to speak these languages. I was saying all sorts of wierd demonic plans about how I had a part in the destruction of existence by hiding a demon inside of a clean pure soul while in heavon therefore this would allow legion to reak havok in heaven. This trance like state that I was in lasted for 3 hours. At first I thought that I was playing this and pretending this all, then AI realized that I couldnt stop saying these things.

Then things started to get wierder because I think that I was astral projecting because I could see myself from outside of myself, and the wierd part about that is that it didn't scare me at all, but I did want whatever he called himself to stop saying that I hate my wife, while what I was really saying was that I love you and somebody is making me say these things. My wife said that he was so strong that he could have ran through a brick wall and nothing would have affected me. He kept on asking for spell Book the Necromicon. but my wife refused and kept on saying to me or it that I love you no matter what you say or do, and every time that she said this it made him even more mad and made my face contort in such a devilish way that it was making my cheek muscles hurt. Then my wife casted a witches circle. Then I noticed that couldn't move outside of the circle. Then she through a bible on top of my back and it felt like it waid a million pounds and made it hard for me to move. then she started talking about jesus, he then started to laugh, and this had no effect.

Then after a while my wifre made a deal with the entity that entered my body by saying that I will love charlie nomatter what you make him do and I'll do until you leave and take her deal, or fight to the end. My wife’s deal was that He could have my soul in 50 years, alive or dead as long as I get to live a happy life with my wife. he finally agreed to leave after many tortuose arguing with the entity. After he agreed to leaving it felt as though a wind had passed through the house very suddenly and made all of the doors rattle a little bit which both freaked me and my wife out. But this isn't the first time something like that wierd has happenned to me practing witchcraft but never has this happenned on drugs, but I ges when on altered states any thing can enter into body I.E. metaphysically.

After this It's 10:00 I turn on some rave music and give my beautiful wife a light show. This leads to some more incredible love making in which we both close our eyes, see shapes pattern and just want to melt into each other. This was the kind of love making that leaves a sense of nostolgia when I are thinking about making love to my lover or to who ever it was. I have made love to many women and on many different drugs, but this drug just brought it to a whole nother level. After love making it's about 12:00 and I'm comming down, but it's like a speedy comedown , like the kind where you just can't sleep, while my lover enters into a trance like state in which I think she had a second peak and the euphoria was to much for her that it was making her very sedated and tired. She eventually fell asleep at 2:00 because she and I smoked some pot. I did not go to sleep. I stayed up thinking, WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED.

All I know is that it wasn't me acting like that because I tried to stop it while it was going on, but could not so therefore my only conclusion is that I really was by this so called demon. The thing he spoke breathed, his accent, didn't seem normal at all. Also the knowledge that he knew that found out to be accurate by reading some parts of the bible. I could go on writing this story more and more but would probably be a whole book within itself.

P.S. I would do this drug again and the visuals were about 8 out of ten , but the total head change and thought process change would be like 11 out ten, off the scale.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22282
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2003Views: 14,777
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Ritual (129), H.B. Woodrose (26) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Difficult Experiences (5)

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