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In the Moment...
Citation:   Noirceuil. "In the Moment...: An Experience with Alcohol (exp22304)". Apr 2, 2003.

4 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I am drunk right now, and so I thought that this would be the opportune time to write a report about the effects of alcohol. While attending a Glassjaw concert, I dropped four (at least) shots of vodka. Several hours later, I find it difficult to maintain equilibrium, and I am overcome with a nearly intolerable dizziness. I find it hard to maintain consciousness. There is a horrible, lingering taste in my mouth, which is very dry, almost nauseatingly so. Nothing feels real (as if I am in a dream) and pain/pleasure are practically indistinguishable: Any intense sensation is positive and preferable. I can barely stand.

My girlfriend, who has had less to drink but is somehow more intoxicated, has long since passed out and has become vomitting badly. I think I was in the pit. My arms hurt, and lifting them is quite the herculean task. I feel giddy and nihilistic, yet very tired at the same time. I don;t know why I wrote this.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22304
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 2, 2003Views: 13,622
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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