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Curiously Apathetic
Cytisus scoparius (Scotch Broom) & Alcohol
Citation:   Justin Time. "Curiously Apathetic: An Experience with Cytisus scoparius (Scotch Broom) & Alcohol (exp22338)". Jan 9, 2010.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cytisus scoparius (flowers)
  T+ 1:40   oral Alcohol (liquid)
Substance: Cytisine (inhaled) in form of Sweet Broom flowers
Quantity: unknown
Setting: my house, alone; on full stomach; random music at medium volume in background

8:35 unknown quantity (small?) smoked through a filter, taste rather pleasant

+0:00 immediate cooling of body, relaxation, pleasant drowsiness

+0:10 slight difficulty typing, though whether due to hand/eye discoordination or lowering of mental facilities unsure. Increase in brightness of light colours, decrease in brightness of dark colours. Fuzzy 'static' type patterns overlaying everything.

+0:20 lengthening of sound, heightened awareness. Definately some reduction in mental acuity.

+0:35 slightly off-balance, some tingling of extremities; feels like a sustained cigarette 'head-rush'

+0:45 this is a very subtle and delicate state of being. It feels like a prelude to something bigger; but that 'something bigger' seems a long way off, whatever it is. Effects on music difficult to describe... bass sounds seem very heavy and muddled, highs sound a bit tinny. Possibly because of the 'sound lengthening' described earlier. Electronic music is not suited well to this material.

+0:50 just noticed that the computer monitor is breathing. I hear a baby crying, though I can't seem to find where the sound is coming from.

+1:15 whatever 'high' there was has faded to a subdued tranquility. A nice, safe, warm place of curious apathy. My eyes move to see new things, my ears move to hear new sounds; but my mind doesn't really care one way or another what my senses find. I don't think I've spoken since I dosed, which even in an empty house is unusual for me. I just feel detached, like an observer in my own body. I want to speak, but have nothing to say. Words roll through my mind, but it is, at the same time, empty. I've lost interest in everything. I know I wasn't always this way...or was I? I would say this bothers me, but for reason I can't even get up the emotion to be annoyed at this sudden loss of caring.

+1:40 started drinking alcohol, just to feel something. I think the drug has worn off, but the apathy brought with it has stayed. Hopefully the booze will change that. I think it is already working. I just smiled for the first time since this started. A smug grin to myself...

Comments: interesting material, nice as a mild downer; but no depth to it. I *might* explore this again at a higher dosage, or in combination with something else.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22338
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2010Views: 9,522
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Cytisus scoparius (237) : Music Discussion (22), General (1), Alone (16)

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