Sunday Talk of The World
H.B. Woodrose
by yara
Citation:   yara. "Sunday Talk of The World: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp22568)". Feb 20, 2023.

5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (tea)
I experienced woodrose for the first time. My boyfriend bought it legally in Vienna, we took it in our hometown Budapest. I have tried mainly lsd and extasy before, but stopped taking lsd, having had a few bad trips. My boyfriend took the coat off of the seeds and we put them in a glass of water for 6 hours. We drank it, and didn't feel anything for a while.

After 45 minutes I experienced a feel of nausea, and we worried a bit, that this is as far as it gets. We were moving around from one room to another, in our rather huge apartment, but were mainly only able to lay in bed. The first sensual feelings came as my boyfriend fed me with apple. It felt really mellow and soft. Mellow is a great description of the general state. Our first evaluation of the feeling was a mutual feeling of being in control, thought-wise that is, but sensually quite stoned, like a tranquilizer.

Luckily, this feeling changed over time, and we got into a more floating, spontaneous conversation. We talked about a number of things: books, history, politics, the outcome of Iraq, and the life of other cultures. My most interesting experience was recalling happenings from books, which I thought to have forgotten long ago. At the time I was lying, not able to move, but as I stood up my body started to move apart from my mind. This was the closest feeling to lsd, the feeling of being physically out of control. It scared me a bit, but my mind felt clear, so I didn't worry much.

Visuals were also interesting, although not so intense. My view of perspective and distances had changed. And my boyfriend's face also varied sometimes. My main worry was, that it was a Sunday, and we felt after a while, that we should sleep. My boyfriend didn't have much trouble with this, but I was keeping him awake, seeing arabic architecture, when I closed my eyes. I inquired him about the history and cultural knowledge he had on the topic. I couldn't even fall asleep as we were approaching the morning. But the worst thing was, that my body was moving around uncontrollably, I threw a few things off of the table.

I hadn't really slept ever since, amazed by the experience. Overall, I felt this drug close to myself, being both in and out of control while being on it. It was a good experience, although now I couldn't imagine how it would work, without the lovely caresses I received.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22568
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2023Views: 239
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