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The Unknown Void
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Minus. "The Unknown Void: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp22828)". May 2, 2019.

14 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose  
  5 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
0:20 - Feeling very floaty and light headed with small paranoid (colors get really bright)
0:30 - Im imaging of a rainy day look out the window (feeling really drunk/high)
0:50 - Go talk to my mom and questions me and the feelings are getting very intense, my head goes slowly mental (my vision goes red)
1:20 - My brain has entered a void of nothings and i think im slowly dyeing
1:40 - I think im going insane I can not have one clear thought in my head
2:00 - I look in the mirror my eyes have gone fully dilated. im really pale.
2:20 - Ive gone into deeper void and started to think about how I perceived the world as a child. Into ego loss
2:40 - I turn on the TV and old cartoons are on
2:50 - I never knew this would that intense. I feel like im flying when i walk
3:00 - Paranoia has set in I will not move off the chair. I have serious body distortion and trails
3:20 - Theres colorful waves of light coming off the TV. Everything thing was pulsating extremely and shifting
3:40 - Same as 3:20
4:00 - I feel like an Aztec and see tribal visions in texture of things I look at
4:20 - Spider man comes on and im glued to the TV in marvel
4:40 - I take a pee and I can hardly stand
4:50 - Im a complete ecstasy of LSA
5:00 - I go to my computer and I play 'Purple Haze'. The music was extra magical
5:20 - I keep playing 60's music in the dark (sounds unbelievably cool)
6:00 - The visuals of this drug change texture of things plus color and depth
6:40 - I can feel my self start to come down and caught in a loop of thinking of scattered thoughts
8:00 - I try to go to sleep but cant. My brain is in a vast nothing
9:00 - I go to sleep...
18:00 - Waked up with a major after-glow

In retrospect it was a thought provoking trip.....I compared LSD chemicals and the only difference is LSA where it doesn't branches out and I guess thats the part where one gets major hallucinations....

It feels like it is positively clean.....
This was my first psychedelic and my only so I cant compare to other drugs (only high doses of cannabis)...
But I must say I didn't get sick or get freaked out or anything....

I just had fun.....It was like a hyper little child....

This drug hit me in waves like i have heard about mushrooms.....

The peak took 3 full hours till it was out of it......

I have had flashbacks 6 months later and I totally freaked out (Its not just an urban legend).....

This trip id rate as a Level 2 1/2



Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 22828
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 2, 2019Views: 597
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