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A Bender to Remember!!!
Alcohol, Cannabis & Caffeine
Citation:   Nekom. "A Bender to Remember!!!: An Experience with Alcohol, Cannabis & Caffeine (exp2290)". Jul 16, 2000.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
    oral Caffeine (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I noticed there aren't many alcohol experiences posted here, so I figured I'd share one of mine. Me and my friend, both 18 at the time, acquired a half-gallon of vodka, and a quarter oz of marijuana. We decided to mix the vodka with mountain dew. Some pots of coffee were also mixed with vodka at one time.

We had both been drunk and high enough times before, on a number of occasions. So we took a few shots of vodka, smoked a bong, and proceeded to mix 50%/50% vodka/mountain dew in the largest plastic cups we could find. We spent a LONG time drinking, probably drank about half of the bottle, and god knows how much mountain dew, smoking more pot from time to time, then we decided to take a walk.

Well, we ended up going into an long abandoned black church through a broken window. We ended up stealing the stupidest things, a picture of jesus, collection plates, a water-logged bible, all worthless anyway.

On the way back we also took a 100 pound concrete virgin mary statue from a neighbor's house. We then proceeded to walk through the woods to another part of town, and break windows in cars at the local bar. We then ran, once somebody ran out of the bar yelling 'HEY what the hell are you doing?'

We then went to an ex-friend of ours' house and slashed all 4 of the tires on his car. We then went back to my friend's house, nearly finished the bottle, and passed out. 2 people, almost a half gallon of vodka (~80 proof)

We never did get in trouble for any of the things we did, but we both felt really bad about stealing the junk from the church, even if it was an abandoned church and all of the items were previously ruined. We snuck back in the following night and returned the items anyway.

I hope that whoever is reading this gets the lesson I learned the hard way. Liquor can do BAD things to you, and caffeine just makes it worse. It seemed to me that the caffeine kept us from vomiting (which might have stopped our binge, or at least slowed it down), and also kept us from passing out earlier. In retrospect, we're lucky we didn't die of alcohol poisoning, or get arrested. I haven't touched vodka since, and don't plan to again. I'll stick with beer from now on!

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 2290
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2000Views: 26,473
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Cannabis (1), Caffeine (11), Alcohol (61) : Large Group (10+) (19), Combinations (3)

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