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Other Realm
Citation:   sallie. "Other Realm: An Experience with Ketamine (exp23056)". Mar 25, 2018.

1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I recently got more interested into drugs, I first started out on weed, but I needed to try something new. I talked to one of my friends bout different stuff and the drugs she did, she gave me 2 different websites and she told me she was into ketamine at the time and so I decided to try some.

I bought one line from her & wanted to try it out on the spot (this was at school by the way) I took it to the bathroom and rolled my bill and sniffed it (I didn’t do it all in one sniff cause it was my first time…but that didn’t effect anything). It sorta burned my nose, only a little bit, then the sensation went away. At first I was sorta buzzed like when I'm on weed, then it sorta started to kick in...slowly at first like the wash off of reality. I started to feel weird and tipsy, the world seemed to not exist and other similar hallucinations followed. Most of which I don’t recall now.

I just remember different things that happened like it was hard for me to focus on things I wanted to do…like pay my locker...I even had like an emotional outburst where I cried for like less than a minute for no real reason! My eyes got real red and it looked like I had done weed which is a dead give away that your on a drug! I just chilled in the hallways w/ my friends afterwards and I laid down a lot. I was sorta rollin around and couldn’t stay in one spot but on the other hand I felt sorta heavy n weighed down. I couldn’t make up my mind entirely n I said weird things but didn’t really know wut they meant. Or I cant even remember exactly wut I said then. I had bursts of “I don’t know” and “I don’t care” type of feelings like when I want to be away from all my problems and daily rituals. My emotions felt heightened
My emotions felt heightened
, like being free, dizzy, lazy, not giving a care bout anything but the slow motion of the moments I was having… and this was the type of experience that gets u noticed! I didn't really laugh as much as weed and I didn't feel as relaxed as weed either.

All in all it was a good feeling, but I was sorta scared cause it was a weird kind of feeling cause I had never experienced it b4, and one that is especially hard to write about.

Overall it was a good experience and I want to do it again for sure. But not for like a week or two cause I don’t want to get addicted too quick. I liked the feeling of being “unattached” to myself...the feeling of going in & out of reality and not knowing wut was actually happenin & wut wasn’t.

Wut I like about K was that it didn’t make me tired afterwards like weed always does. I have a low tolerance for drugs so I always start off w/ a small amount. With K, the only bad effect was that I had a weird sensation down the back of my throat, but it went away soon after. But the effects totally cleared with in 2 hrs...and I felt perfectly normal again. The effects do last for a short period of time, but a lot happens in that period of time!

It would be an extreme experience to just try Special K as ur first drug ever and the hallucinations are unbelieveable!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23056
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 25, 2018Views: 895
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), School (35)

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