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My Clothes Were Hurting Me!
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Eyes Open. "My Clothes Were Hurting Me!: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp23153)". Jun 2, 2003.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
After reading many of the rave reviews of this mysterious herb, I got some at an online botanicals store for $15 for a whole ounce (+ $5 for ship) Dried leaves. I have tripped on acid and shrooms MANY times in the past. It's been about 2 years of being sober and married, and getting the urge to explore that other realm again. I was home alone and propped up some pillows on the bed, no music, no tv. It was still daylight out. I smoked 2 full hits out of a glass 'steamroller' pipe. Held each hit in for 20-25 seconds. Was instantly hot, with freezing feet, highly uncomfortable. At this point I realized 'I don't like it'. Unsure if I'm too hot or maybe too cold, I lay down with my cold feet under the blankets, sweat dripping off my forehead. (been 1 minute) Then it got worse, my tank top T-shirt felt like it was brush burning down into my shoulders. Remembering stories of guys stripping naked and running in the streets, I decided to pull myself together, I took off my shirt, laid down, got up and sat in a chair, uncomfortable, laid back down on the bed.

Minor visuals, seeing things on my desk kind of merging to whatever was next to it, with energy waves shooting between everything. Now, 'I like it' for 5 minutes it was really entertaining. For the next 2 hours my mind was SO CLEAR, SO INTELLIGENT AND AWAKE. Definetly worth the initial 2 minutes of panicky discomfort.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23153
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 2, 2003Views: 8,640
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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