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I Got Lucky
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Bekareful27. "I Got Lucky: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp23288)". Mar 21, 2006.

  oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
As usual, I began my weekend meeting up with my best friend M to go get some alcohol from our hook-up. Everything went as planned as I bought 1/5 of my favorite vodka and was set for a fun night of drinking. My friend S called me and said she knew of a crazy party that was nearby and wanted me to come along. We followed her to the party which looked like something out of a teen movie with a mass of cars parked on the street and drunk kids stumbling around. I saw many of my old friends’ cars and saw cars of people I despise, so I was excited for whatever was gonna happen.

As we made it to the house I said hello to a bunch of my friends and started drinking straight from my vodka bottle VERY quickly. It seemed like after 5 minutes I was already drunk and was surprised I could get drunk that fast. Usually I like to take shots as a way to monitor my drinking, but tonight I decided to be stupid and drink from the bottle straight. My friend M and I were having a blast and couldn’t believe the mass of people that were at the party with no cops around. I spoke to early...About an hour into the party somebody yells 'cops!' and everybody starts fleeing away from the house(which is really stupid) and I start running through the woods with them. After running through a creek, hiding in three random bushes by people’s house, my friend M called and told me to walk down the street and get to his car.

Still with the vodka in my hand, I run into the street only to find the cop sitting at the end of it with his lights turned off. Scared shitless, I ran to the backyard of the house across from me and jumped over the fence only to fall down head first (OUCH!). As I walked around, I found the street and made it to my friend’s car. We sped off to a nearby fast food place and told a bunch of other people to come there. At this point I felt drunker than I've ever had before. After hanging at the fast food place for awhile, we got bored and my friend dropped me off at the lake near my house. Right after leaving the car, I began to throw up violently and felt like shit. For about 10 minutes I sat there puking and puking. How would I ever get home like this? I walked inside my house without my dad thinking anything was up and ran up to my bedroom to try to sleep it off. I started throwing up all over my room and couldn’t believe how sick I felt.

Suddenly I woke up feeling still drunk and very hung-over. As I lay in my bed, I began feeling extremely annoyed by anything I heard, saw, smelled, or sensed. Every negative thought ran through my head and lead to a new one which began to make me sicker. Lying in my bed my stomach felt like it was going to explode soon, so I ran to the bathroom and forced myself to puke by sticking my finger down my throat. For the next 6 hours of hell I kept lying down, then getting up and forcing myself to puke. My parents knew I was sick but didn’t know it was alcohol sickness until they found my bottle. They weren’t too mad because I made the promise to myself and them I would never drink again. Some people say that and never live up to their promise but I never want to feel like that again. For now I will stick to the harmless plant marijuana and know I will never drink again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23288
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2006Views: 9,960
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Difficult Experiences (5), Large Group (10+) (19)

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