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Retrospective on a Decade of Drinking
Citation:   Boozetasm. "Retrospective on a Decade of Drinking: An Experience with Alcohol (exp23442)". Mar 22, 2006.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
I've been drinking heavily since I was around 13 with exception of 2 years in high school, when I quit. So it's been about a decade since then. According to the contemporary medical community I'm an alcoholic, though a functional one. I'm also an honors student at a major university who hasn't missed more than one or two classes in the last three years.

I've gone through a 30 pack of beer or a bottle of bourbon in a day and remain relatively sober. I've quit drinking on an almost weekly basis for the last year. Hangovers from drinking as much as I do are especially nasty and result in headaches and mild shaking, and coughing up bile, which I've often drank through (40oz's or MD 20/20 get rid of hangovers fast).

Drinking is like a love affair. When it's great, it's amazing and when it's not it's terrible. Blackouts are the personal scourge of my being though. I've cut down recently after I got the shakes after a week-long drinking binge over the summer. But, of course there's the reason I drink - it feels great if I can stop at a buzz and not get full on drunk.

It's harder for some of us to stop though. It helps to know if I'm one of those people. Me and most of my family are. But I'm not some puritan.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23442
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2006Views: 8,884
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Alcohol (61) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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