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Lasting Love
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Daniel. "Lasting Love: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp23990)". May 27, 2003.

1.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
This experience changed my life. I have never come down from this. Also note, after this experience I stopped taking any kind of drug.

A friend and I decided to drive to a town a half hour away and took a pill each, splitting the third one between us. Close to an hour later I started falling in love with everything around me. Telling my friend that I loved this or that. True love for these things. We parked the car, and I got out and loved the cold, and rain. I absolutely loved it. We walked some talking till we arrived at a coffee shop to meet a friend. When we were sitting talking to his friend for an hour or two, I became so happy, I could not stop smiling, and listening. I loved to listen. Something I had trouble doing, but loved doing it now (and still do).

Our friend had started us with a really nice conversation, and we became very open, very clear about how we felt. We were both delivering any words or comments with so much love, so much care. When someone spoke, I leaned in as much as possible, smile touching both sides of my face, my eyes focused on their speech. We then walked outside, where my friend was using a pay phone, and I saw a begger. I walked up to him and started talking. My dialect wasn't even the same anymore at this point. I sounded almost foreign. I felt like I was delivering so much love into every word I said that they were pronounced differently. It was calming just to hear them said in itself. I spoke to the begger for about an 40 minutes or so, about his life story. Meanwhile my friend joined in here and there.

Then something happened. An african-american in a very angry attitude got out of a car and asked my friend for change. There was some miscommunication and the african-american got very mad, shouted some threats and stormed away waiting against a wall. My friend is paranoid normally, but for some reason, me and him walked up to the man, following him to his spot and apolagized. We kept talking in this positive, loving way, and I could see the man get more and more comfortable until he started reflecting that love to us! When his ride came, he hugged me. Hugged me! That is the power of love.

Ecstacy taught me this. Love is the only real emotion. I never stopped loving, never stopped smiling since that night. Later, I dealt with some relationships that had been beat for countless years, and I let them know I loved them; from there it worked out. I called all my friends to tell them I loved them. Anyone I could possibly find. I also understood who I was, and what my purpose in life is. Its to Heal the World with Love. I love you.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23990
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 27, 2003Views: 5,312
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MDMA (3) : Various (28), Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4)

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