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Open The Door Naturally
Morning Glory
Citation:   An El Shy. "Open The Door Naturally: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp24143)". Mar 11, 2007.

9.0 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I had purchased several packets of MG seeds a few years ago after reading about their effects. My first experience was by grinding the seeds and consuming them with water. I could not handle the taste and gagged the whole time. That night my trip consisted of my holding my head and wishing myself to vomit. I was woefully unprepared for the journey.

Now I have a few more psychedelic journeys and was much better prepared to make the journey. My wife was coming home, and I timed the MG consumption so that they would hit as everyone was going to bed leaving me alone with my thoughts and silence. Earlier that day, I had ground up my seeds and was preparing to do a water extraction. Time and impatience got the best of me; so, I spooned around nine grams of seed material and washed it down with water. No muss, no fuss. The taste was nutty although the simple expecting a horrible taste almost got the best of me. Then the waiting began.

(T+1) 9pm: I crawled into bed w/ my wife. I knew I had a while before the effects hit; so, I figured I would watch TV w/ my wife until she went to sleep. She nodded off about 9:45, and I turned off the TV. I am used to going to sleep on DXM and waking up mid trip, but I am not worried this will be the same. The growing turmoil in my stomach was keeping me for sleeping anyway.

(T+3) 11pm: The nausea cannot be ignored any longer. It grew inside me like a giant watermelon. It would be an annoying companion almost my entire journey. I went into the living room and began watching 'Farscape', but my thoughts began to jump. I could not quite concentrate. The best is yet to come. I watched some anime and tried to play some chess online. Sitting still was really beginning to trouble me. My wife came out and asked if I was okay. I told her that my stomach was just giving me a tumble. My pupil are growing.

(T+5) 1am: My vision is really changing. My pupils are HUGE at this point. I turned off the television for a moment, and I could practically see in the dark. I begin to panick a little b/c I do not know if this will ever stop. My body is tingling. My temperature has raised. My thoughts were racing past me. I had the urge to use the bathroom, but only a trickle would exit at a time. I fought the urge to vomit and sipped on ginger tea. Fresh ginger would have been better, but I forgot it when I went to the grocery earlier.

(T+6) 2am: What did I get myself into?? Someone please put a fork in my eye and distract me from my stomach. The nausea was peaking at this point, and I tried to concentrate so that I could use that discomfort to fuel my journey. I think many dislike the MG expereince b/c the want the'good' effects w/o the 'bad'. The nausea was necassary to make the insights are profound. At the same time, however, my childrens toys began to speak to me while I attempted again to read an email. The kind of freaked me out a bit. You would freak out too if Dora the Explorer walked up to you began to chat w/ you telepathically. I went through many emotions. I briefly thought I had poisoned myself but mananged to calm down.

(T+7) 3am: The hallucinations were lessening, but I had a strange clarity of thought. I tried to throw up one last time seriously. The pit in my stomach had stopped growing, but I had thought that it might make me feel better. If I could have written at the time, I could have penned a great story, or at least a few chapters. These great words would disappear quickly of course.

(T+9) 5am: Sleep welcomed me w/ open arms. I was not tired but thought it was the right time to try. I sleep until almost ten. When I awoke, I was a little groggy but still felt refreshed.

(T+20) 4pm: (right now) My vision still shifts a little, but that is not a concern. My appetite is slowly returned, but I am constipated. Overall, I enjoyed it very much.

With my remaining seed material, I am going to try a water extraction and compare the results. I would like to someday try the extraction in the MG FAQ as soon as I can order some pet ether. Many look down on legal highs b/c of the misguided thought that 'it can't be good if I can't get caught'. They are truly misguided and mistaken. I have experienced quite a few substances MJ, K, X, coke, salvia, opium, DXM, and mushrooms. The sensations I felt last night were the most powerful I have ever experienced. I felt more than I did than from a 3.5g shroom experience a month ago. With acid being practically extinct, MG is a good alternative. I still want to try acid if it is ever around, but I will reserve room for another MG journey in a few months. I like MG because I would like to start my next journey from my backyard instead of at the checkout line. This research tool cannot be underestimated.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24143
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2007Views: 7,496
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Morning Glory (38) : Difficult Experiences (5), General (1), Alone (16)

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