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An Incredible Experience
Citation:   Adood. "An Incredible Experience: An Experience with AMT (exp24217)". Mar 10, 2008.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 1 repeated smoked Cannabis  
I was over at my friend B's house, and no one was going to be there until 5:00 PM. It was 7AM when we pulled out the somewhat fresh AMT. Since it was not completely fresh, I ate 100 mg, when I had previously done 80 when it wasn't as old. What follows are my experiences, separate 'dreams' that have their own world, their own distinct thoughts and feelings.

We divided up the AMT, me with my 100 mg, and my friend with about 110. We had our doses on some tin foil, and a glass of water to quickly dissolve the bad taste. My friend almost gagged when he ate his, and quickly drank his water. It did have an aweful taste, worse than any other drug i think i've ever done, but for me it wasn't intolerable. It's incredibly bitter, with a kind of soapy taste. I washed it down and started the waiting game.

The first thing I waited for was the nausea. At about 730, my stomach became very sick, and i finally puked all over the sink. This is the worst part of AMT, but once it's over, I'm in for a good ride. I guess it just wants to get rid of everything else in my body so it can work its 'magic'.

After about 45 minutes to an hour is when i started feeling its effects. The very first thing I feel is a kind of high feeling, like cannabis, very peaceful, like I'm not really waiting for anything to happen, just there. I remember feeling the coldness of the house, but at the same time i felt warm and comfortable. As we wandered around the house i noticed my eyes seeing light and dark much more distinctly, and then i started seeing trails. I moved over to a door where there were vertical blinds. The air moving around the house had gotten the blinds swaying in a sort of wave motion.

I remember how incredibly peaceful it was just standing there watching this simple thing. Anyway, after about an hour, we went downstairs, before the full effects were felt, and lit up a bowl or two of cannabis. This is when the rollercoaster really took off. I remember taking my friends advice, and tried my best not to go to sleep on a psychadelic drug. Luckily i was able to keep my eyes open for about a full 18-20 hrs. So there i was, after smoking, unable to even move. My friend put on aphex twin, rhubarb and lichen, i think some other songs. As I listened to this mellow, flowing tune my friend and I split up as it was impossible to communicate right then. What follows is the first real trip i've had.

The notes flowed up and down, and i just looked up at the ceiling. Everything i looked at had it's own personality, its own existence or world. The ceiling moved in swirls, and i could feel what i was seeing. At this point i sat up and the stuff really kicked in. I put my head in my hands and just started rubbing my head. The sensation it gave was unbelievable. It felt like my head was the only thing that existed, and whatever i looked at was where i was traveling, like a ghost wandering through eternity. Whatever was right in front of me was the focus, and peripheral vision was just a blur rushing past me. During this portion of the trip, the Radiohead song 'Everything in its right place' started playing. For the first time, this song made so much sense. and it was so simple. Everything was in its right place. And for a time, all i could see were two colors (this is part of the song also if you are familiar with it).

The next incredible visual I had was in the living room. Here i sat, staring at the TV and windows (TV off). I remember the room was sort of divided into two shades. the top half was lighter because of the light from the windows and the bottom was dark. After a minute or two, the two colors were distinctly divided, and they were moving in waves. Then they settled and formed a yin-yang. This started spinning slowly and i sat and had some very religious thoughts. I'm not budhist, but that symbol has special meaning for me now.

It's awesome how much sense I could make from the words of songs like 'everything in its right place' and 'comfortably numb'. At AMT's peak, everything did move in waves, and when my friend was talking, i could hear a word of it, though I remember his lips moving.

Friend B's dad was due home any minute now (7PM) and so as the trip was done, we made our way to the car. From this point on, we were rolling, just that comfortable high feeling. Sense of time was completely destroyed, as it felt like the whole day lasted an hour or so. We went to a movie, which felt like about 10 minutes. I also remember the long conversations my friend and i had while just rolling. We could talk about one thing forever.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Here's my personal feelings on drugs, take from it what you will. Doing drugs is probably pretty stupid. But I've had some of the best experiences with them. No one is really sure what the long term effects, if any, of drugs like AMT is, but truly, i really don't care. We're all gonna die at some point, not meaning i don't want to live of course. Tripping certainly is a life changing experience. That sounds like some sort of psychological bull, but i'll try to explain. Yeah, I get new insights and new feelings on life, but I keep it in perspective. It is after all just a synthetic substance put into my body. I enjoy the effects, and remember the thoughts I had while on it, but I don't let it drag me down. I just try and keep the normal life and the drug life separate. I think thats the safest way. And of course, I smoke hash as much as possible.

Well, i guess thats about all i can come up with at 2:40 in the morning. Peace

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 24217
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2008Views: 8,170
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