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Check Your Preconceptions at the Door
Methylone & Alcohol
Citation:   coprolalia. "Check Your Preconceptions at the Door: An Experience with Methylone & Alcohol (exp24277)". Oct 23, 2003.

T+ 0:00
130 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:33 25 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30 30 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
Didnt know I was going to do this today, its kind of a spur of the moment thing, but I really havent eaten anything all day. Mood earlier was mildly negative because of issues at school, but over the past week I’ve been unusually positive. No other substances besides a bit of caffeine have been ingested by me over the course of the last 3 or 4 days.

T+0:00 had previously dissolved the entirety of the original '1000 mg methylone' in 190 proof grain alcohol for dosing @ 10mg/ml, took 13 mls, roughly 130mgs, combined with a nearly equal volume of water. Tastes kinda vannilla-y, nothing like the nasty sassy taste of e.

T+0:20 im starting to feel something now, getting the deep breath inducement similar to e, and a slight bit of loquaciousness...

T+0:24 very slight dizziness and a definite +1 so far. Burps starting to come up, reminiscent of e again. And of course, the natural wittiness, wordplay, and humor I find myself able to access on that substance is now on tap.

T+0:30 feel like I gotta empty my bowels. So far, practically indistinguishable from mdma. No yawning, but I expect thatll come.

T+0:40 turned on some lords of acid. I believe the technical term for what im feeling is 'hot damn!' elevated heart rate, and my eyes feel like they want to nystagmus but arent ready yet. Stomach queasiness.

T+1:00 it seemed like I was well on my way to a +2 or +3, but it just kinda stopped short. Perhaps I didnt take enough. Starting to get jaw clenchings.

T+1:13 nystagmus. Houston, we have ignition.

T+1:33 dosed extra ~25mgs or so I had sitting out to evaporate off the ethanol. It hasnt gotten quite to where I wanted to go, but the journey is fucking great anyways. This time I ate the powder from just under 3 mls that had been evaporated on a watch glass, and boy did it taste nasty.

T+2:30 took a walk. Things are good. Feeling a little bit isolated, but im just gonna chalk it up to the fact that im alone. If I werent comfortable being as such I might begin to have problems. Took another ~30 mgs because that 25 didnt do a goddamn thing to me after the first 15 minutes or so.

T+3:00 nearing baseline. The really interesting thing about this stuff is that I havent had any memory fuckups yet. Those are the things I absolutely cannot stand about mdma, and why I now take it so infrequently (last time I did was a year ago), this in and of itself makes this material worthy of more research. Just based on duration though (and maybe im wrong about this, or just didnt take a large enough initial dose, it seems a bit more like mdea than mdma. Ymmv, iana licensed pharmacologist, etc.

T+3:30 baseline, perhaps slightly lower. Music is slightly dissonant, I can take it or leave it. Still got the jaw clenches. Tired, I think I'll go to bed soon, hopefully I can sleep.

It occurs to me now, at t+3:40, that dissolving it in ethanol may have actually turned some of it into the cathinone analogue of mdea in vivo, as im under the impression that that's been known to happen in the case of actual mdma as well. Next time I'll evaporate it off first. This, however, is possibly a decent method of reducing the duration of substances similar to mdma (methylone or mbdb, for instance) for first-timers, or those who want the cliff's notes for a similar substance, so to speak. I'm kinda glad it happened this way, since I have a test on friday and wanted to be able to actually get some sleep tonight. Its actually lingering in my brain a little bit now, coming and going, but the bulk of its effects have faded - it got up to about a +2 there I guess, though the sudden plateau threw me for a loop. Thats what I get for basing my expectations on mdma.

Anyways, those are my musings. Hopefully they help someone. Stay safe.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 23, 2003Views: 16,823
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Methylone (255) : Alone (16), General (1)

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