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Lasting Tremors
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   heneverdies. "Lasting Tremors: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp24287)". Sep 15, 2003.

  repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
This experience/experiences are here to teach and to help understand the why's and the effects of Nitrous on the body and soul of a human being. You see, I used to be addicted to Nitrous and LSD. It almost became my religion for awhile. I used to drop about 4 to 8 hits and have about 3 to 4 cases of whippets for my out of body experiences every time. Used to do it alone so I could go to the other side. It became a need for me in my search for God and meaning for my life. We all wonder why we are here and what we're supposed to do. Well, it came to me hard-core. I usually watch psychedelic dvd's in my quest for knowledge. Massive repeat viewings of certain music/psychedelic videos tend to open up the mind for some odd reason. Maybe the repeating of the visuals and music allows my mind to dig deep into itself to unleash horrors and paradise altering my thoughts beyond the norm.

I've experienced everything from rebirth to horrible deaths. My skin eating away at itself during the balloon. Spiders attacking me, forcing me to try to jump out the window for escape. Luckily the metal grate stopped my jump but I ended up having to drive to the emergency room for 15 stitches. This is only the tip of the iceberg since I remember everything from my trips and in the middle of writting a book about them.

You would figure that these experiences would stop my journey taking but you see, in-between the horror, I came in contact with what some people call God. It changed my life to an unbelievalbe degree but it also started to change my physically. I started to have tremors; which are like mini seizures. Everytime I would hit the N20 I would start to tremble. During my hayday I would hit the N20 3 times out of the week and when I say hit it, I mean hit it hard. At 1st it was just whippets but then it turned into tanks as friends would party and have 10 to 20 lb tanks for the party. This screwed me up since the balloons would get huge and the journies would get longer. I've experienced a lot of different things. Some I pray none of you experience BUT knowing the party scene, you just might.

I quit all drugs for a couple of years. I'm 33 now and I only quite when I was 31. Had to, the nitrous seizures would come and stay with me for a couple of months afterwards and then subside to to where I was normal. Pot would also turn me insane and I smoked steady for 13 years. I learned things during my experiences and took the drug thing as far as I can go. I've done the drug thing for about 14 years. Wasted a lot of life on searching for something that was always there. Yeah drugs can open you up to the world, teach you about yourself and the reality you live in but drugs are funny. Some people can handle them, they have the cells to burn while others smoke a couple of joints and they start talking slow and are lost. You know the people I mean. Personally, I live in a higher state of consciousness but to what effect on my body has the tolls taken?

You see, I still have an old group of friends who still take X and hit the tank every weekend. Their all over 30 and still trying to relive their youth. They all know I quite and started having a wonderful life. I have a dream company, writting screenplays for horror films, buying films and making dvd's for distribution. Life has been wonderful since I finally quit and I wanted to share this newfound life and the lessons I learned from my Onitrous/lsd experiences so I went back to them with open arms. They had the Nitrous tanks and X parties so I ended up taking and breathing in the balloons hoping that in this state I could talk to them on their level. Wrong idea; some people use drugs to escape reality and don't want to stop even if they see someone who has jumped out of the vicious circle. All they want to do is pull you back in. Misery does love company and don't forget it. I even borrowed a tank to do some more soul searching which was a horrible mistake on my part.

10 lb's of nitrous sure does do some damage, especially to the motor skills and the nerves. At these people's house and my own indulgence of over 80 lb's of nitrous in less then 3 weeks has left me a spastic/tremor wreck. I learned all I could from drugs but my friends love to party and I quickly came back into the circle, forgetting about my past tremors and jumped back in head first. Didn't learn anything new, friends refused to stop even though each and every one of them confess to me that they want to stop.

It's been about 2 weeks since I last hit the tank. My body trembles and spazzes when ever I lean over, really just my head. It doesn't happen all the time I lean over and look to the side but it happens enough. Even happened at a business lunch I had with a business partner. I said it was allergy medication I was taking. I've done research on N20 and from what it says it depletes the b-12 in your system actually damaging your nerves in your spine. I still have the tremors, actually having one right now as I write. As my head bobbles to the side I pray to the Lord I didn't do lasting damage to myself.

So plase be careful. Nitrous is a blast and if you have to do it, only do it in moderation. If you own a tank and you start to shake, do the fish out of water, you have to stop, sell it, get rid of it or you can be a trembling mass of flesh on the bone. I overdid it, yes I know and I can pay for it for the rest of my life. It changed my thinking, my life and how I see the world but on the other hand, I would rather have the full use of my body. Yeah this is a warning for you. I hope my experience reaches you and stays with you as you experience yourself countless times from different angles and at different levels.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24287
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 15, 2003Views: 20,502
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Nitrous Oxide (40) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Various (28)

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