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Around and Back Again With an Old Friend
Citation:   Nefarious Horde. "Around and Back Again With an Old Friend: An Experience with Ketamine (exp24289)". Dec 27, 2018.

  repeated IM Ketamine
    IV Ketamine
    repeated insufflated Ketamine
Once Around and Back Again With an Old Friend

The situation I was in at the time was a little bit out of the ordinary to say the least. I was living in Nogales, Mexico while on the run from the law but that has little to do with the experience just is the reason I was in Mexico at the time. I had purchased 5 vials of Kettamina brand ketamine hcl from a Vet I had gone to quite a few times before because they always had good ketamine. Note: I've only purchased blue and purple boxed ketamine (mexican) but I'd been told the best quality from best to worst is- blue or purple, red, green, and yellow boxed ketamine. Ketamine is a surprizingly easy thing to obtain in Mexico but I don't suggest bringing it back over the border (I speak from experience on that).

Now back to the story: I was staying in this hotel room that consisted of a bed, a chair, a 'table', and a small A/C unit. I sat on the bed alone after my 'friend' Negro (a mexican guy I partied with) had left to go hustle for the day and for some reason I felt a bit depressed and suicidal but really didn't want to go through with it. I got the idea that I'd just experiement with how much ketamine I could do and live. I'd sorta done it before by way of insulfation but now I was gonna use a needle this time.

I remember doing a couple of lines after I had gotten the syringe ready with about 1.5 or 1.6 cc's in it. I went into a 'k-hole', I remember laying back on the bed and staying in one place but the world rotated once fully and then 'clicked' back into place but now reality wasn't the same.
I remember laying back on the bed and staying in one place but the world rotated once fully and then 'clicked' back into place but now reality wasn't the same.
The room was huge now but was still dominated by the single bed in it. I was joined by a ghost Negro but he just sorta came and went without doing anything. I remember coming out of it with the reversal of the world again and then reality setting back in after that happened (reality rotating seems to happen most times doing ketamine). I sat there thinking about what part of my body to stick it in and settled on my left deltoid. I didn't inject the ketamine slow or fast and didn't feel any pain from it, this instance being the first and only use of needles for me. Me being 'smart' I thought it wise to cut up a couple of nice lines to do, I wish I knew how much it was I did in powder form but I didn't care at the time, I just worried about syringe amount.

The build up of the K was more gradual and I seemed to stay in the 'hole' longer. After this time and reality seems to sort of blur for the most part because I don't fully come off Ketamine for the rest of the day. I already had a fair amount of ketamine dried out and as soon as I came to I snorted some and injected about 1.5 cc's in to my left thigh. This took even longer to 'hit' me and reach K hole level. I blur a large part of the day sitting snorting k and injecting it in a new spot after coming to. I ended up injecting a total of 5 times with 4 of them being IM with 2 in my left thigh, one in my right, and one in my left deltoid. I injected 1.5 cc's IV in my left arm and was sort of expecting an instant 'hit' but I noticed that I felt it sooner but it didn't get as strong but seemed to last longer and I didn't 'come' out of it, I 'came' out of it instead.

Looking back in retrospect it kind of scares me that I said f-it and used over 1000 mg of ketamine in the span of an afternoon but I feel safer in that I'd need to take more of it to do myself immediate harm if I'm using it by itself. Prior to this I had also insulfated an unknown amount to see what was too much but I was in a 'hole' before I was able to do my self harm.

[Reported Dose: "150 mg IM x 4 and 150mg IV, aprox and 100-200 mg x 3 insufflated"]

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 24289
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 27, 2018Views: 869
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Alone (16)

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