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Rediscovered Euphoria
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Anonymous. "Rediscovered Euphoria: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp24349)". Sep 21, 2006.

1 tablet oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  0.5 tablets insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
This experience wasn't the first time I have tried ecstacy. I've done it on 3 experiences prior to this one. The first pill I ever took was a great unbelievable feeling, but a couple months later, when I took my second pill ever, it didn't have half the effects. Same with the third...(bunk pills maybe?)
So I started thinkin Ecstacy just makes you feel OK, and that the first time I did it, the only reason it felt so good is because it was all in my head.
Tonight, I proved myself wrong for good.

This all takes place at my house. my homie from about 10 min away was supposed to show up and we were each gonna take 2 pills each and just chill.

6:30 pm
friends from my old hometown stop by to drop off 4 pills which I got for 80$, which is just the regular price. they left, and I put my 4 pills away, anxiously waiting for my homie to arrive.

approx 7:00 pm
i call my friend and he says he'll be on his way, in 3 hours, due to some stuff he had to take care of. I am disappointed to hear this cuz I'm excited to take the pills but I didn't wanna take it alone.

11:00 pm
i call my homies house cuz he hasn't showed up, and it turns out he left to pick me up a long time. I just said 'fuck it', and took my pills

I get a tall glass of sprite, and I chew one of the pills up(for faster onset), and chase it with sprite. Then I swallowed half the other pill, and sniffed half of it with a hollowed out pen.

I'm startin to feel a little tingly buzz, I feel warm and in a better mood. I wasn't prepared for wut was about to hit me, i was thinkin this buzz was gonna be about as good as it got, judging from the 2nd and 3rd pill I ever took...

Sniffin must have helped it kick in faster and STRONGER. Everything seemed so bright, I didn't realize how powerful ecstacy can be on my visual field. I looked at my red shirt I was wearing, and it was glowing along with everything else. I literally saw things in a brighter shade than I have ever seen them before.

half an hour and I'm pretty much to the peak. I was tryin to talk online but couldn't keep my vision straight, everyone I talked to, I felt this great love for...people I've never even met. It was difficult to read the screen, but my typing was faster than I've ever seen it. My cat started meowin outside, which reminded me to go smoke a cig and enjoy the fresh air. The air felt so great when I stepped outside, I sat down and smoked a cigarette. My cat jumped up on my lap and it felt like a...squishy piece of meat...thats the best words I can think of to describe it, it was strange so I put him down on the ground, and watched him run towards the front of the house. I seemed to find it very amusing just observing the cat.

When I got inside, I went back to my computer, and started feelin a little nauseous. People told me its common to throw up when coming up on X, but the first 3 pills never made me throw up. I was just thinkin about that, and there was nothin i could do, no way to control it, I just puked ALL OVER my own lap. But in my state, throwing up only made me happy, I guess its because my stomach felt better and I was already rolling so hard I knew I wasn't gonna lose too much of the MDMA in the vomit.
I had puke on my floor, by my keyboard, I even went outside to puke a couple more times, but at no point did I feel fear, or anxiety(my mom happened to have heard me puking but she didn't ask any questions)

After the puking was done I just sat down on my computer. My mom was watchin the news on my tv or something, I felt so much love for her, I didn't want her or my sister to see me, because I couldn't take the smile off my face, and usually I am kind of an asshole.


3:45 AM
I am typing this now, i am slowly but pleasantly coming off the E, its gonna be hard to get to sleep.

The euphoria ecstacy gives is far greater than what I remember, probably because I took two fairly good pills this time instead of 1 ok pill.

I still have the other 2 I will save for another night, and I have yet to find out what happened to my homie, I'll have to call up on him and make sure he didn't get into an automobile accident or somethin, I'd feel really shitty if that happened when he was comin to see me.

I am very glad I spent my money on this, it was definitly worth 40$....more like priceless, an experience like this is something you don't forget. I didn't talk much about some of the more profound realizations and thinking I came to, because I would like to keep that to myself til I get it all figured out.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24349
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 21, 2006Views: 8,710
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MDMA (3) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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