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The Construction Site
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   ScreeminBunny. "The Construction Site: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp24356)". Jun 9, 2003.

2 hits oral Salvia divinorum (dried)
I went to a close friends apartment so I could fix her computer, and so we could light up some marijuana. I took only two hits of marijuana, out of a pipe. I had told her about an experience I had with Salvia and she expressed the desire to try it at least once. I pointed her to online information, explained the effects, and other technical details so she could make an informed decision.

After she was well prepared emotionally she took a hit, just to try it out. The effect was mild as she described it. A second hit heightened the experience, and she felt a slight pulling.

I prepared myself, by quiet inner reflection as I always do, even before smoking some weed. When she felt secure enough to play the sitter role, I took a large hit. Held it for 30 seconds by my watch, a second one followed immediately after that. 30 seconds once again passed, I set down the piece and sat back in the chair and breathed out as I did. The residual smoke danced in front of my eyes, as if telling me to close them.

(Note: I mentioned I had a couple hits of weed, i feel the effects of this were already faded past the point of playing an effect in this eperience... although it might have.)

I reclined the chair and sat my arms on the armrests and closed my eyes. The last physical thing I saw was her entertainment center glass door. My mind was extremely clear and free of worry; I am always naturally relaxed around this friend in particular.

All of a sudden I realize 'whoa, this is a construction site'. There’s this huge array of scaffolding all over the area, tools are all over the place, the likes of which I have never seen. I'm standing there in total jaw dropped amazement over this gargantuan project; the scaffolding went on for as long as the eye can see, somehow I knew it went on forever.

'What the hell is being built here?' I ask myself in amazement... suddenly I realize what it is, the thought of what it could possibly be hits a funny nerve, I giggle slightly at the thought. 'No, there's no way that they can be building that, no way' I think to myself. The giggle came back; it was coming from behind me, trying to push through my neck and into my throat, so that it could leave through my mouth.

The giggle tried to push through again, as if it were running and jumping into the back of my neck trying to get through, as if trying to bash through a closed door. I tried to hold the door closed, i pressed against it pushing my weight against the door to keep the laughter out. I knew that I had to be quiet on this construction site. For the work they were doing was so delicate.

Once again the thought of what they were building came into my head, the thought arose 'how is this possible' and in thinking that, I lost my concentration on the door, the laughter made one last run at the door, and in an explosive shatter I started giggling uncontrollably. I had to tell my friend where I was.

I grabbed onto the laughter, wrapping my arms around it, putting my hand over it's mouth to calm it down, I saw my thoughts leaving my head and going into the laughter 'calm down... shh... shhhh... shhhhh calm down, I need to tell her where I am.'

I looked past the laughter that was struggling in my arms, to my friend, the one on the couch watching me. 'I'm at a construction site...they.... they're building...hehe... building... hahahah... they... universe... a universe... the universe...' suddenly the laughter overcame my grasp and enveloped me, as I was laughing, I saw the very thoughts of laughter flowing out from my mouth.

She was amused with me, the one on the couch; she wanted to know more, questions... she asked questions. I heard them, I've heard the words before, but for some reason they made no sense to me. I knew this was because of the laughter that had infected me; the only thing I could understand was laughter.

I became aware of 'The Three'. The three were the ones who were working at this construction site. Laughter was the only verbal thing allowed at the site. One of the three who was using a machine similar to a jackhammer looked at me and started laughing, pointing at my friend on the couch. I understood what he was laughing, he wanted her to not talk, talking is -not- allowed here, not in this sacred place. He was not a he, nor was he a she. He was neutrality, the equality of all, and the epiphany of equilibrium. The one with the hammer-like tool was the positive, the lawful, and the true and virtuous, he was everything pure. The one holding the rope was the negative, evil, and bad, he was everything that is chaotic and unlawful.

All three working together could accomplish the almighty task that they had set themselves to. They were the builders, the creators of the physical universe. Their job never started nor will it ever end. For all eternity they have been building the very structure that would only destroy itself. Without them there would be nothing.........

Suddenly the thing that had so powerfully enveloped me grew terribly weak. It felt as if I climbed out of a puddle of goo, the enveloping force was falling off of me in goops and globs. The final little drop left was on my lips. I felt an overwhelming loss and sadness, I tried so hard to hold the little residue on my lips, but I failed.

The drop rolled down my lower lip and dropped to the floor I looked down to watch it drop far below my feet, to watch it drop for all eternity away from me, forever traveling into the darkness below.

The Three builders put down their tools and floated gently to their knees, allowing their heads to bow down in sorrow. Not in sorrow for the loss of laughter, but in sorrow for seeing me go. I felt myself leaving this extraordinary place, I felt as if I were falling, I reached suddenly for the rope that hanging before me!

...It was too late, I opened my eyes in time only to see my hand reaching for thin air...

After carefully dissecting the meaning of what happened to me, I have come to these parallels...

1) The scaffolding was derived from the entertainment door; it is a frosted glass design, which could resemble this common construction aide.
2) The laughter trying to get through the back of my neck was just the recliner, one of the buttons happening to hit my neck just right.
3) The three builders more then likely come from my belief in the three powers of the neutral, positive and negative. (go figure huh?)
4) The last drop of laughter that fell from my lips I'm told was just a bit of drool. *ew*

I hope once again to return to this place. The only two dominant presences were that of laughter, and pure-raw-untapped potential. The energy of that area is indescribable, almost like when my hair stands on end after walking on carpet on a dry day, not just the hair on my arms, but throughtout my entire body.

From this experience I have learned that our society is too serious, and the cure for the seriousness of life is laughter, something I now believe we as a collective whole do not do enough of. I also learned that as quickly as one can become happy, they could easily lose that feeling. I will laugh more often. Even just thinking about the feeling I had of the enveloping laughter I get a small grin on my face, and for a split second I feel lighter.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24356
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 9, 2003Views: 9,355
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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