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Perfect Rhythm, Synchronization, and Harmony
Citation:   Morninggloryseed. "Perfect Rhythm, Synchronization, and Harmony: An Experience with 2C-E (exp24403)". Jun 10, 2003.

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T+ 0:00
16 mg oral 2C-E
  T+ 0:59 1 bowl smoked Cannabis
  T+ 4:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis
  T+ 4:30 1 cart. inhaled Nitrous Oxide
  T+ 9:00 2 bowls smoked Cannabis
Saturday, June 07, 2003

Written just before, and than as I take the substance:

Today I am taking sixteen milligrams of 2C-E. I have been waiting to sample this particular material for a very long time. It was one the first substances to really stand out from the bunch when I first read PIHKAL all of those years ago. Something about PIHKAL’s chapter forty, in which fifteen milligrams of the chemical sent a tripping Dr. Shulgin to the hospital convinced that he had a hernia. And then the subsequent entries in part two of the book really made this one intriguing to me. The text suggested this compound had quite a punch to it, as well as some serious depth. I can’t wait to see what, if anything, it has to offer me.

I am once again tripping with M, a friend I am rapidly becoming very close with. We did an interesting experiment to silence inner-dialogue and to try to get us both on the same level before we took the compound. It involved focusing on the same object (a Simpson’s eight-ball that tells one’s fortune) for five minutes while attempting to silence the mind and think of only that object. It is a lot harder than it sounds. With both of his parakeets, which he had brought over, and my two cockatiels inside, the random noises outside, and everything else going on…the mind tends to wander very quickly. It was a great exercise to do undertake in order to relax our minds and bring us on a closer level together. I am glad he suggested it.

After that, I did my own tripping ritual which involves myself, and whoever else is tripping with me, saying prayers or sending good vibes to a stick of incense. I subsequently light the incense and walk around the house (or campground if I am outside) with it to distribute the smoke as a sign of good luck, an offering, and to ask any bad thoughts, vibes, or spirits to leave the area for now. I find this practice strongly relaxes my mind and I do believe it ‘cleanses’ the house or area I am tripping in.

Well, we just took the pills and now am off to smoke some yummy pot and listen to a few remixes of a recording I made last night.

About twenty minutes after we ate the pills of 2C-E:

Think I might feel something. It is just an alert though. The material is just letting me know it’s there, but nothing else is happening. Well, back to the recording equipment to make some sweet sounds.

Twenty-five minutes later still:

A stronger, yet still undefined something is occurring. Strong body energy is flowing from my solar plexus. I am also getting that “phenethylamine” feeling, whatever that means. This body energy reminds me a bit of 2C-I or 2C-B, but it seems perhaps a bit stronger. No visuals or anything like that yet. No mental effects to really to note. It is all in the body at this point. Ok, back to recording.

A little over an hour after taking the substance:

We are going to make our way out for a walk to work with the body energy this drug is producing, which is quite strong at this point. The body-feelings now remind me intensely of 2C-T-2, except that I am not puking my guts up and thankfully I do not think I am going to get sick at all from this material. But it does have quite a push to it. Other than this intense energy-flow, the drug seems ok on the body. I would not even call what I am experiencing a body-load, as it is not exactly unpleasant. It is just a strong flow of energy radiating through my body and it makes sitting still at this recording consol a little difficult. Anyway, I’ll report when I get back.

Perhaps ten hours after I have taken the compound.

2C-E has turned out to be the most incredible and complex phenethylamine, and really psychedelic drug in general, that I have ever ingested. It will never replace 2C-T-7 in my heart because that substance has helped me with so many personal issues in the past, plus I love 2C-T-7’s intense emotional effects, out-of-this world visuals, and also that particular drug is a load of fun to take. But 2C-E is a serious and fantastic psychedelic tool with few negatives to speak of. It beats all of the other phenethylamines I have tried in depth.

I really don't know how to put into words, or how to describe what it did and how it acted in my mind. There were parts of it that reminded me of the other phenethylamines I've tried in one way or another, but the effects of this material are really difficult to express or generalize. I think Shulgin said it best when he commented in PIHKAL, 'Let it (2C-E) rest as being a difficult and worthwhile material.” I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Most of our trip consisted of a seven-mile walk along my usual bike path that I ride almost daily. At first, both of us only noticed the body energy until a man typical for our area (a long-haired hippy-like fellow with a beard) passed us on his bicycle while talking on a cell phone. It was such a classic image of the sixties merging with the modern era, and it sent the both of us into roaring and almost uncontrollable laughter. That event seemed to kick things up a notch.

Initially, the perceptual changes were subtle and had to be sought after in order to really notice them, but it did not take long for the visuals to became full-fledged and powerful. There was also an incredible introspective nature to the experience. In watching all the different families and solo individuals pass by, some on bikes and some walking, we seemed to be able to read into them and what we perceived of as their existences from their facial expressions and from what M and I felt as the vibes and energy they emanated. It was amazing and incredibly powerful.

And the visuals continued to grow in scope and magnitude seemingly every minute. Eventually, everything became in constant motion and all objects were continuously undulating and before our very eyes. A bird flew by left after-images of six or more phantom birds following it. The color enhancement this material produced rivaled that of any phenethylamine I’ve taken, except 2C-T-7. It blew 2C-B’s visual effects out of the water and I’ve taken that substance up to thirty-six milligrams which was a pretty stiff dosage.

I’ll never forget sitting to take a rest at a park bench and watching the sand and grass morph and move in on itself, crawl, and churn as the mountains and the houses in front of our view grew and shrank in size and proportion. And all of it in perfect rhythm, synchronization, and harmony with the universe. I was so over-taken with the visuals at points that I actually ended up having some flat out hallucinations. I had to ask my friend at one point if what I was seeing was really there or not. I saw, what turned out to be large granite boulders, transformed into migrant workers raking leaves along the trail. I also kept seeing animals crossing the path in front of us that did not exist.

Our walk took around three hours total, and we were both quite exhausted by the time we got back to my home. Our appetites were enormous and we gorged ourselves on some turkey sandwiches and drank water till we were well rehydrated. This was around the four-hour point of the trip, and we had definitely passed the plateau of the experience and were headed back down. After eating, we smoked some more pot and I went into the bedroom alone and took a balloon of nitrous oxide. The results allowed me a few seconds to truly step back and examine my life at the moment. It actually left me confused on a few issues, but I didn’t worry about it because I can’t expect to know all of the answers. I simply must move on.

M and I spent the rest of the evening watching the cable network Animal Planet and I must say, I don’t ever think I’ve watched television with such an expanded mind, and from such an open viewpoint. We observed a lot of dirty advertisers and were able to notice subliminal messages and just general attitudes that our culture accepts but that M and I deemed undesirable. I’m not going to get into what they were, but it was amazing to be able to “read between the lines” like that. Even the seemingly innocent Animal Planet had some frightening images and attitudes it was presenting to its viewers that were not in humanities best interests as far as we were concerned. We smoked a few more bowls, and now M has gone into my studio to work on music while I have been typing up this report. I’m getting tired and I doubt I will be up much later.

The next day:

A few observations are that 2C-E produced an incredibly rich, immersive, and powerful psychedelic experience, but the journey wasn't exactly fun. It was serious, yet I completely enjoyed myself in every way. But this is no recreational drug by any stretch of the imagination. Again, I am totally understand what Shulgin meant in PIHKAL when he commented that some people had said of 2C-E, “’I don't think I like it, since it isn't that much fun. But I intend to explore it again.’ There is something here that will reward the experimenter.”

I think 2C-E has enormous potential as a psychotherapeutic agent because it was so penetrating. At least from this one exposure, it makes 2C-B and 2C-I seem like mere toys in a way. They simply do not match up to 2C-E in the depth they are able to reach in my opinion. And for me the 2C-E experience was free of the nausea and other annoying side effects that the members of the 2C-T family I have sampled tend to produce. So I see it as being superior, although very different, to those materials in many different aspects.

And the most intense part of the trip didn't last very long either, which I view as a very positive aspect. By four hours into the experience, I was starting to come down. By the nine-hour point, little remained of the effects. I never truly judge a chemical from one exposure, but if this one exposure is indicative of what I can expect from further 2C-E trips, this will be a phenethylamine I will often reach for first.

Final notes:

It was a big decision for me to even write this trip report. More and more, chemicals like 2C-E are becoming available to a class of people (usually teenagers or irresponsible young adults) that are simply looking for an easy to get recreational high that will replace the mushrooms or LSD which some of these people are finding hard to get. For some individuals, these seemingly ‘legal’ highs are used without a shred of knowledge being given to the fact that little to nothing is known about them, or their possible side effects.

I'm just scared that writing glowing reports like this is only going to bring unwanted attention to their existence. In fact, I know it will. I don't want to popularize anything, nor do I want to be an influence to anyone. But I also believe that knowledge should be shared and the whole reason I take many of these experimental and exotic psychedelics is to see which ones are good and which ones are poor for psychotherapeutic purposes. If I were to sequester the information, it would defeat that purpose.

But I’m going to say this…I only took sixteen milligrams of 2C-E and I never tripped so hard from such a low dose of a phenethylamine. This dosage produced a full and complete plus-three that was almost overwhelming at times. Although I seem a bit sensitive to it because M took the same dosage as I did and didn't trip quite as hard, I don't think anyone should take more than sixteen milligrams their first time. If one were really smart, they would start off with ten or twelve milligrams. Shulgin said some people had some rich plus-three experiences with just ten milligrams, so 2C-E really needs to be approached with respect and caution.

If one was going to attempt to use this drug without a proper milligram scale, there is nothing that can be said about that individual except they are a totally irresponsible and have no business working with this material. Sixteen milligrams of powder is a tiny, tiny amount of material and there is no real way to accurately tell the difference between sixteen milligrams and say twenty-five milligrams. With amounts of powder that tiny, the human eye simply does not register such minute differences. And what would be even more foolish is to insufflate this material, which I’ve noticed a lot of users seem to do with these exotic chemicals for reasons I’ll never understand.

It is well known that snorting phenethylamines increases the side effects, and the insufflation of several materials closely related to 2C-E has lead to hospital visits and a few possible deaths. I beg of anyone who reading this to please have a milligram scale if you plan on working with 2C-E, and please do not snort it. It works just fine orally, and based on the amount of body-energy I experienced in the beginning, I would not imagine it would be a pleasant thing to snort. One has no business working with these materials if you cannot follow these simple guidelines. 2C-E is not a toy by any stretch of the imagination. Be careful please.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24403
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2003Views: 35,805
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