Perminent Brain Damage
DXM (with CPM)
Citation:   Magoo. "Perminent Brain Damage: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) (exp24404)". Jan 14, 2005.

32 tablets oral DXM
    tablets oral Chlorpheniramine Maleate
About 2 and a half years ago I checked this out and I couldnt belive a otc product could fuck you up as bad as some illegal hallucinagenics. After reading much about, and others experience I decided to try. The first time I took a whole box and it was great. The 2ent I took 1 and a half boxes, even more of a insane trip. But the third time I thought I would go for this forth platuo that I'd been hearing about. So I popped 2 boxes I think it was 16 pills per box so thats 32 pills or about 980mg dxm.

At some point the oxygen must have been cut off to my brain because I was fucked up for several weeks after, not able to speak or walk properly, every day I'd go to sleep and pray when I wake up to be normal again, it never happened, and every day of my life since I regret because I have theses terrible daily symptoms which I refer to as 'HEARING ELECTRICITY'. Almost every morning and at least a few times a day I hear this sound like electric sparks or static down the back of my head and neck, and my head stomic starts to hurt, my throat and tounge go numb and I get dizzy and feel like collapsing on the floor. Sometimes are worse than others in the fact that these spells or whatever u wanna call them last from a few min up to 20. This daily occurence has really frightened me. I am truly scared to see a doctor in fear of serious damage and that he'll tell me I wont live a long life.

So for the past 2 and a half years I’ve dealt with my self induced affliction with booze, opioids, and most of all the high grade extreamly potent marijuana. I feel like a aids/cancer patient..etc. patient in the fact that I dont smoke like most ppl rather I see it as medicine and I take my dry bong toke doses through out the day. I will see a doc soon because its not getting better.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24404
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2005Views: 10,581
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DXM (22) : Post Trip Problems (8), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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