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Bad Times
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Jbwitchdance. "Bad Times: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp24456)". Erowid.org. Jan 24, 2021. erowid.org/exp/24456

7 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
Just this past weekend I had my last experience with HBW.

I have taken the seeds twice before and rather enjoyed the trip but something went horribly wrong. After having dinner and a few drinks (I have drank with these before) I decided to take HBW thinking it might be interesting to be out and about whilst tripping. I was in a public place at the time so I couldn't really sand the fuzzy rough surface off. I proceeded to throw all seven in my mouth and chew them as throughly as one could. I had expected to feel nauseous for a little while but once it started at around 10:30 pm it didn't stop, I was however in good spirits and was feeling a slight trip take hold.

Myself and a few others went out to a cafe and I was still fighting back the urge to be sick when we decided to call it a night at around 1 am. My Boyfriend and I went home and I layed down hoping to sleep it off. I was wrong.

About an hour after I feel asleep I woke up very very sick and also tripping beyond my comprehension. I made my way into the loo in the hope I would get rid of whatever I needed to. I was very cold yet sweating horribly and my pupils were extremely dilated.

I had to crawl from the bathroom floor to the bedroom to try to wake my partner but it seemed to take years and once there I was in tears and couldn't get the words out to let him know I needed some help. After maybe fifteen minutes I managed to wake him and we sat in the bathroom till I forced myself to be sick.

I was sick several times that night and could not sleep as well as having the impending sence I was going to die. No matter how many time I was sick the nauseous feeling would not go away and I took to pacing the room till around 8am the next day. While the trip could have been good,the sickness and thoughts ruined the whole thing for me.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24456
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 24, 2021Views: 633
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5)

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