Pineal Alarm Clock
by a0d
Citation:   a0d. "Pineal Alarm Clock: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp24469)". Jun 14, 2003.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
This was back in January. I had been excitedly waiting to smoke 5-MeO-DMT since I got it in December. I had tried snorting it and smoking it from various devices with not much success, just a physical rush and feelings of being overwhelmed. On the day of the experience, I had been meditating for perhaps 30 minutes. I like to sing 'Parabol/a' by Tool in meditation, it opens up my heart, it helps me become more aware of the energy in my body. I fasted since the night before. I had not eaten for over 12 hours. The 'Lateralus' CD was playing. I put it on the song Lateralus as I sat down.

I got a candle, a straw, and some aluminum foil. I made the foil into a sphere, with a small indentation (a bowl) at the bottom. Without measuring it (I had previously wasted 100-250 mgs dissolving in alcohol to 'measure'), I put a couple big crystals and a few smaller ones in the bowl. I lit the candle. You should know, I was fairly nervous. Holding the aluminum in my left hand and the straw in my right, I held the sphere over the candle flame gently. I placed the straw in the opening at the top of the sphere (you cannot make a perfect sphere with aluminum foil, there would naturally be an opening). As soon as I saw white vapor rising from the opening, I sucked as hard as I could, from my stomach.

The first thing I want to note is the taste, or rather the sensations I received from my tongue. It burned. Very very badly. As I felt the energy inside me more and more with each passing second, my mouth seemed like it was melting. Everything was melting. I had my eyes closed. I dropped the aluminum and leaned back against the couch (I was on the floor). It's somewhat ridiculous to describe what I experienced, as it CAN'T be described, at least not by me. I dissolved, everything was so very intense and alive with buzzing energy. I am somewhat familar with kundalini yoga, having practiced it since December 2002. It was like 100 lifetimes of yoga crammed into 10 minutes. Everything was black, I had my eyes clenched shut tightly. I could feel my teeth also clenched. My heart was beating very fast, I could not slow it down with my breathing. I was listening to the song Lateralus, and about 5 seconds after I sucked the 5-MeO-DMT into my lungs, I lost sense of everything in a logical way. Not really blacking out, but like the logical analytical part of my brain turned off for a moment. It came back on, and suddenly I was in hyperspace. The music was going faster, like I was slowly being pulled out of time and could watch the process. Time sped up and everything was being blurred together. It was weird listening to the music, it sounded chopped up and pushed together. And at the same time very amazing and deep. I took very deep breaths, not paying attention to my heart racing. Then, from the blackness, I saw (with eyes closed) something white. It ballooned up out of nothing and shifted itself like an ocean, waning and waxing. I must say, out of everything that happened, this was probably the most impossible to describe. My first thought was 'This is the universe'. Then I laughed at myself, because that is what one might expect from reading other experience reports. It just was, I can't describe it.

I layed down. My breathing seemed really difficult. I could feel my throat, it seemed constricted. There was panic, but I let it go.

The next half hour was spent listening to music and just laying on the ground, stunned like I had never been stunned before (in memory). I have to say, it was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life.

This is very controversial, but I think I may have reawakened my pineal gland with this experience. In my kundalini yoga sessions since, I have repeatedly sent energy up into my third eye chakra and felt the buzzing energy I felt on 5-MeO-DMT. I hear a crinkling sound in between my ears, and then this infinite feeling comes over me. Everytime this happens, I get scared and stand up. It is one thing to wait for it to wear off, but another to change your whole state of mind permanently (in a manner of speaking). I am slowly exploring this.

I would recommend this to anyone who is ready. Yes, it's overwhelming, it's crushing, it's everything anyone ever said about it. But it's worth it, as well. I think the majority of people who find it a physical and unspiritual experience might never have released 5-MeO-DMT at birth or any other time in their life, and are unfamilar with it, whilst those who 'understand' it are reconnected with their birth experience. Maybe.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24469
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2003Views: 10,917
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