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A Breakdown in Space/Time
by Kaz
Citation:   Kaz. "A Breakdown in Space/Time: An Experience with 2C-B (exp24515)". Jan 30, 2004.

25 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
A couple of weeks after my first use of 2c-b, I was more than ready to try again. This time, I decided to take approx. 25mg, snorted. I was prepared to cope with the harsh burning in the nostrils again. This time, I waited until midnight, when I could have a more silent surrounding.

T+00:02 - What a rush! Instant body buzz. The computer screen starts melting, and the familiar feeling of time being twisted hits me. I go to my room, and I can hear some indistinct talking greatly ampilified and even less coherent with every second. Sitting on my bed, the buzzing sensation turns into a sound, and the visuals all work accordingly - it goes on and off, hitting me in waves, each one becoming more extreme. Do I enjoy this? I don't know yet.

T+00:05 - I decide to go outside for a walk. I remember to take the key, lock the door, and start stalking the empty streets. Everything is shining with colors, lights have an aura among them, something like a surreal sci-fi picture. It's just beautiful. I start walking faster to fight off the cold. I get to a crossroads. I see a man walking in the distance, and a car passes by. I cross the road to get to sit down on a bench, only to find out that I lost all sense of where I am. I'm fully aware of this, and my rational thinking pinpoints my exact location, but suddenly, no matter where I go, I see the same road from where I came. The colors enhance everything, the bushes and trees are spectacular. A car passes by... wait - it's the same car. From the same direction. This is new to me - I have been looped in time? The man walks past me on the far side of the road, and another car comes from the other direction, only to see the man walking on my side of the road - as if in fast forward. I light a cigarette. The taste is definately different than usual... much more synthetic. Time to walk.

I cross the street (my rational mind still knows the paths of my neighborhood), and walk down some stairs. I look at a field of drying vegitation... The color is definately pushed towards the red part of the spectrum when looking at this. Tracers are extreme, and I see fractals crawling over my body and the houses near by. The visuals take over now. The walls to my side grow taller and more colorfull, better defined and I feel an uplifting in spirit. I ponder the mathematical qualities of the visuals, something that always interests me with psychedelics. I continue walking down the stairs, and remind myself not to stay on the sidewalk. I continue walking.... seeing cars pass is extremely bizzare as their lights are accented and the sound of them passing bye is almost musical. I sit down again, light another cigarette. I enjoy seeing the orange red color of the burning tip on it. I'm tempted to touch it lightly, but feel nothing. My logical side quickly takes over and I pull my finger away so I won't get a nasty burn.

I check the time on my cellular phone.... It's been only 11 minutes since the beginning of the trip. Time is now moving in the shape of an 'S' moving faster on the edges and slower in the center - that is, my location. I continue to walk around, feeling a sense of rebirth and joy... a sudden urge to vomit hits me, but quickly passes. I knew I was walking in a circle around my neighborhood and would soon be back home. I sit outside my house, knowing everyone was asleep.

T+00:31 - A complete breakdown in reality. The realization hits me - all of the moments of my life have been building up, culminating to this point. I see time as a concept I created for my own good. I can't remember people, can't connect to them. Time is flowing back and forth, at my will. Thinking in a new perspective, deciding that all that was in the world is a creation of my subconciousness. Science, language, atoms, mathematics all break down before me. All of this was created in order to train me for this. I have ascended.

My first question is 'how can I exist?'... I no longer accept the explanations I took for granted. As a singular conciousness that is all this world, I marvelled at the creation of conciousness out of nothing. Atoms were invented to give me form, science and mathematics to give me the rational thought process, books to widen my horizons? What is 2c-b? Who are my parents? All this doesn't matter anymore.

T+01:00 - I re-enter my house, without any problems. Getting into my room, lying in my bed. The waves that rushed over me are now different. The amazing beauty of everything around me makes me feel physical pleasure... All of the difficulties of my life are just made to appreciate this moment. Reality is a creation of conciousness, conciousness has a standing of it's own, above all of the mundance creations.

T+01:44 - The feeling fades a bit. Must go next to the computer again, where it all began. Put on some music, it sounds as if it's in fast forward now. Visuals are not intense, just enhanced colors. The peak is long gone. Not knowing who to thank for the gift of conciousness and creation, I decide to return to my room, relax, ponder this experience. If I die, how will I be remembered? What will my legacy to the world be? Not looking at this question with any negative feelings, the answer hits me - the world is a better place because of the way other people were affected by my actions. Slowly, I drift to sleep, about four hours into the experience, while enjoying the psychedelic state up to my dreams, and even in them.

When I woke up about six hours after I went to sleep, everything has returned back to normal, except for a slight headache (probably) caused by dehydration. This was a wonderful, beautiful, vibrant trip. The beauty of it will stay in my mind forever.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24515
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 30, 2004Views: 14,798
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2C-B (52) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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