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Permanently Changed
by Zman
Citation:   Zman. "Permanently Changed: An Experience with LSD (exp24580)". Apr 19, 2018.

  repeated   LSD  
    repeated   Pharms - Sertraline (pill / tablet)

I was using LSD between 1990 to 1996, about once every three months, always alone. First to deal with bipolar disorder and the depression, then to change my life path, later for pure recreation. A mirror was very helpful initially.

LSD visual residue effects were very evident until two years ago when I went on Zoloft for six months. The LSD residue visuals were minor coloring of shadows -purples greens and pinks, very fine speckle red dot patterns overlaid on my vision and occasional peripheral vision motion sensing. When I had extreme stress, hunger or exhaustion the visuals would appear, lasting about 5-10 min, very subtle and never distracting.

Zoloft was prescribed for stress at my request in 2001. Initially after taking Zoloft I had very vivid hallucinations, only when closing my eyes. Green wavy thick moss that could form to any image I wished. This lasted two weeks along with sleep disorder, the images were that distracting. I have since been free of all LSD visual residues and feel my brain chemistry, while permanently changed, has stabilized.

It is my thought that LSD affects the weighting of the brains neural nets, possibly logarithmic. I believe the visual residue is a clue to where and how LSD molecules affect primary neural tissues. The LSD residual visuals can be permanantly(?) negated with temporary use of SRIs.

Exp Year: 1990-1996ExpID: 24580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 972
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LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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