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Couldn't Tell It from the Weed
'White Rock Opium' & Cannabis
by WRO
Citation:   WRO. "Couldn't Tell It from the Weed: An Experience with 'White Rock Opium' & Cannabis (exp24587)". Oct 22, 2007.

  smoked Unknown
    smoked Cannabis
the first week that school was out of 2003 me and my friends were looking around to just buy some regular marijuana we asked around and after some time we found someone to hook us up so we met them in a parking lot and gave them the money then they came back about 10 minutes later than they said they would and told me and my friend that since they couldnt get us a full 8th they got us a little white rock opium.

it was kinda late so we just smoked some of the weed and saved everything else for the next day since we wanted to enjoy the 'opium' that we had never tried before so we met up the next day and smoked a bowl out of our stolen glass piece and then the 2nd bowl we put 1 rock of the 'opium' on it i got to hit it first and it tasted kinda of weird but smoked smoothly and wasnt hard ony my lungs i passed it to J and then he hit it we went back and fourth til the bowl was done and packed another with a solid rock of white opium it was on the back porch of J's girl friends house and kinda hot out so we smoked the last of it inside. after smoking it we could feel the opium kicking in a lil later and just feeling extremely stoned i couldnt tell the opium from the weed a whole lot but i still had a nice high and then we played some music. the music was so funny to listen to and i could hear each and every word and i put the words together and thought about what the guy was saying and realized how stupid it was and just sat there laughing it was mid day and the high didnt last anymore than 30 minutes from the 'opium 'but then i was just high afterwards.

i had enjoyed my experience and felt good through out the whole trip and had no negative effects at all the next day i didnt even have an after high which some inexperienced users may notice sometimes. in the end it was a pleasant experience and i would gladly do it again if i could.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24587
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 22, 2007Views: 3,942
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