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Being Without Time
Salvia divinorum (Leaves)
Citation:   Shalahara (Adda). "Being Without Time: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (Leaves) (exp24604)". May 6, 2007.

0.25 oz smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
A late summer evening I was sitting quietly alone by the window, watching the sun go down rolling the Salvia into small cigarettes. It took a while to roll about 5-10 of these salvia cigarettes, and then I stated smoking. Immediately into smoking the first, I had a weird sensation. It was like a had a whole experience which came from someone else. It was an old Englishman's dream, like Walter Raleigh or Isaac Newton (of that era.) and it was in the form of -a tube in my mind-. It was like a kind of 'reward for an old explorer' and not at all modern or novel. I didn't exactly like it, but it was calm and passive, like a cigar. I began to feel very philosophical about time.

The next few smokes brought on a deeper a more meditative trance, and gradually my mind emptied of all thoughts. I felt as if I was fully in the present time, and the process of time had retreated into illusion only. I thought 'I really do love this herb!'. Then something very strange happened to my body. I was fully inside my head, as if I had never been there before, and I began to feel circuits inside my braid coming to life, which had always been alseep. I feel like calling it (salvanorin) 'The Wake-up Drug'. Once I had reached the peak of the experince (5 smokes out of 10), I felt like I was quite literally 'GROWING' like a flower, with a flowerpot in my neck and stems, branches and many leaves making up my brain pathways, and two big yellow sunflowers for my eyes. I could -FEEL- all the inside of my head, and though it has always been a bit of a scary place to live, that day it felt cool and clean and lubricated, like washing my brain in gentle water.

Suddenly a very strange thing happened. It felt as thought I had no right to be in my head, and a creature was in the room which was pretending to be mind mind. I don't know if I was completely dissasociated from my own mind and it had left me behind in my body, or whether it was a kind of floating creature which was in the room with me. I felt excellently heathly in my body, but the mind-thing was paranoid and possesive, and wanting to resume a position somewhere behind me, where I couldn't see it. I had become very aware of what I could and couldn't see, and I kept wanting to turn my head to see waht the Solipsist cannot see. I began to see how limited normal perception is, and how paranoia comes about.

Eventually I was distracted by the TV and a need to drink water, and as soon as I got up to walk about, the experience began to end. The Salvia seems to like you sitting very still, exactly like a flower in a pot does, exacly like a flower on a windowsill; alone but not a lonely experience.

Thank-you Salvia, for my little insight into a timeless life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 24604
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 6, 2007Views: 5,197
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Alone (16)

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