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I Literally Rolled Off My Chair and Onto My Bed
Citation:   András. "I Literally Rolled Off My Chair and Onto My Bed: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp24632)". Apr 30, 2018.

30 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
First Time with Ambien

This whole thing happened by accident, but proved to be interesting and fun.

I recently came home from college, and did not have a job yet. So, I would stay up till four to five in the morning and wake up around one in the afternoon. I decided that I needed to get my sleeping schedule back to more decent times if I was going to get a job anytime soon. I tried everything from not going to bed at all so that I would be so tired I would have to go to bed earlier to lifting weights and running during the day to wear me out - but nothing worked. As my last resort, I grabbed some of my mothers Ambien. The bottle said to take one before bed, and for some reason I felt I needed three, and swallowed them about ten at night.

I had eaten dinner like two hours before taking them, and so they kicked in about thirty minutes or so. I slowly felt more and more intoxicated. I went online to talk to some friends about that time, and it felt like I could not type a thing. My sight was not blurred or anything; I just felt very drunk and could not concentrate on getting the words out. So, I gave up and got offline. By now, it has been about forty-five minutes since I took the pills. I sat in my computer chair feeling very euphoric for about ten or so more minutes just listening to soft music, and then I got so tired that I literally rolled off my chair and onto my bed. I woke up thirteen hours later felt very refreshed.

I think that I will try it again at some point in time, but that I might try and get some caffeine or other stimulant in my body before hand so that I can stay awake to enjoy the high longer.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24632
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2018Views: 1,355
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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