Like Deep Meditation
Citation:   Grand High Larry. "Like Deep Meditation: An Experience with DXM (exp24667)". Oct 18, 2004.

T+ 0:00
125 mg oral DXM (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 208 mg oral DXM (powder / crystals)
I tried some DXM with my friends last Autumn. We weren't sure what to expect, but had read a report about a guy who said DXM made him feel like he had 'a lizard's brain', so we thought it should be fun.

Me and two of my friends, who I will call 'Bad-Man' and 'Raptor-Boy' gathered for a night of fun. This would be the second time they had taken DXM, which made me feel safe. Bad-man was our supplier of cannabis, and someone I trusted with drug experiences. We had previously taken Nutmeg together a couple of months earlier, and NOTHING could be as bad as the come down the day after. Suffice to say it was dirty.

We've all smoked lots of cannabis, and a couple of us have had mushrooms, speed etc.., I reckon DXM is now the strongest drug that any of us have had. We researched a bit before hand to ensure we would have a good time and be safe.

We got some pure DXM. Bad-man wanted 5g, but accidentally got 50g. Thats about 200 or so 2nd plateau doses. We decided 250mg was a good dose. We wrapped the powder in small blue rizla 'wraps', which we swallowed with water.

Our rules were;
1) No alcohol.

2) Take enough DXM for a 2nd Plateau, in two half doses, spaced two hours apart. (We didn't know how our livers would metabolise DXM)

3) Don't take any more later on to extend/increase the feeling. we have all done this with space cakes (cannabis resin) when we thought 'Oh, its not effecting me yet.' only to take some more and find out that the first lot was kicking in, leaving us utterly fokked.

10.00pm - Took the first wrap of 125mg. Felt nothing for a while.

11.30pm - We started to feel quite happy and self satisfied, but for no apparent reason. Raptor-Boy decided we were feeling 'smug' and that this would be a good street name for DXM.

We decided our livers were up to it and took the next dose. Here we broke some rules. We had divided 1gram into 8x 125mg doses. As there were three of use, we each intended on having 250mg. when it came to take the next wrap though, we though 'fuck it' and divided the remaining 250mg between us (making our total dose 333mg, a third of a gram each).

Things were starting to feel very profound, at which point Raptor boy told me that the best way to 'activate' the drug was to touch the ceiling. I tried this and suddenly found myself laughing myself to bits. Any physical activity seemed immensly fun on DXM, as though it was amazing to have a body. I remember feeling really happy that I had legs at this point.

1.10am - Started to feel incredibly calm. This feeling of total stillness came over me and all my worries just vanished. It was like the confidence that beer give me after my first two pints or so, but magnified about 10 times and with no accompanying drunken feeling. I was starting to feel a really strong empathy with my friends, and had no worries, because the only thing that mattered was that I was with my friends and I loved them.

My feeling of profound calm was slightly spoiled by Raptor-boy performing his namesake Raptor impression. Later we considered it quite interesting that he was pretending to be a LIZARD.

1.30am Retired upstairs to Bad-mans room and sat down. The physical hilarity of earlier was replaced by a mental feeling of total calm. At this point I started to try and analyse the experience. It seemed that DXM turned off my somewhat over-emotional monkey-brain, leaving me with only the lizard brain, which could do physical things, and the human brain, which I use to meditate and reason with. This detachment from my emotions let me look at things from a new perspective. It seemed to be more rational and less biased or based on emotion. I could reason things out properly from here.

2.00am - Decided that a tasty spliff was in order. So we smoked. At this point I realised that even though we were high as monkeys, we were taking another drug. We had stopped treating cannabis like a drug anymore, it was so casual. Any worries I had were replaced by extreme giggles as I smoked the spliff.

My friends later commented how I turned from being all philosophical and talking Buddhist shit, to becoming a laughing wooooping freak, who repeatedly beat the floor with my hands, and occasionally worrying about waking up the people downstairs.

3.00am, started to come down slightly, and decided that 'home' and 'bed' were good ideas. I had work the next day.

3.30am-4.00am I tried to sleep, not realising that DXM keeps you awake. I started to trip-out slightly. The structure of my thoughts went completely away from anything normal or recognisable. I didn't really hallucinate or get anything different from this. It was a bit like static on a TV screen. I couldn't rationalise it and only seemed borderline tripping. I was a bit afraid as to where it was taking me (3rd plateau?) and so was unwilling to let the experience embrace me. I eventually fell asleep.

Next day, I was really happy in work, with no side effects at all. Considering how little sleep I had had, I felt great.

I took DXM 2 more times with them and each time it was slightly different. The second time was more entertaining and fun, the third time was more profound and life changing. The detachment from emotions, and the alternative perspective that this brings are very similar to a powerful meditation. As I have been practising meditation for 2 years (18 months at the time), the experience seemed to be a good one for me. It helped me to put some things in my life in order, and also made me realise I had been smoking too much cannabis, too frequently.

I later tried to give up the dope, which had been hard, but I smoke lots less nowadays. I have not had DXM since January 2003, but may have some more this summer.

I may try Meditating whilst on DXM to see if the two can be combined effectively.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 24667
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2004Views: 24,604
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DXM (22) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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