Unpsychedelic Syrup
Citation:   nobodyhere. "Unpsychedelic Syrup: An Experience with DXM (exp24728)". Erowid.org. Jun 23, 2003. erowid.org/exp/24728

  oral DXM
Greetings. I am a DXM user.

You must have heard of it, if you are sitting at your computer, reading this. Perhaps you want to try it, or just want to experience the drug vicariously. Whatever the reason, I will try to be accurate, avoiding embellishment or exaggeration. I don't write this to advocate the use of DXM, or to moralize on the dangers of its excessive consumption. Mainly, I have nothing better to do, and I feel like typing :)

Initially, I was disturbed by the effects of DXM. As I recall, my first experience with it was clouded with depression and thoughts of death. I believe this has colored all subsequent experiences, turning them into something strangely morbid, something that I imagine would not appeal to the average person. The lack of the widespread recreational appeal of DXM is a testament to this. I consider it - even to this day, after using it hundreds of times - to be, ultimately, a 'loser' drug. It's not fun, doesn't compare to the joy of Ecstasy or the good times of Marijuana and Alcohol; it doesn't enhance things, and doesn't give you the feeling of profound insight, as a normal psychedelic should. So why, you must be wondering, would someone even bother? Dissociation. That is the answer. This redeems DXM. A description of dissociation demands its own paragraph.

Surely, you, the reader, must have looked at a woman, and admired the curves of her body, the softness of her skin, or the sheen of her hair. What though, causes this innate attraction? Is it the same as admiring the beauty of a flower, or is it merely the thing that drives us to procreate? I do not know, but this is one of the things DXM has made me consider. When I take my average dose of DXM, 700mg, I do not experience lust in the same way that I do sober. It seems to me that DXM deactivates whatever part of the brain is responsible for the mindless desire for sex. I see women, and I can know that they are beautiful, but not in the same way. I can differentiate between attractive and unattractive, but that is merely an observation, just as I can tell you that the sky is without a doubt a light blue today. That is dissociation.

It's the seperation of yourself, your ego, from the restrictions of the social brainwashing that all of us have been subject to. Things like death, life, sex, anger, guilt, and every varied emotion that we experience on a day-to-day basis are dulled. You become an alien, with knowledge of the human race and its intricacies, but no real emotional comprehension of WHY it is we act like we do. Naturally, you might think this would turn something into an insane antisocial hermit, and that may be the case, should you be of a type so inclined.

Personally, I have found this effect of DXM to be invaluable in my understanding of people, myself particularly. Without the interference of a strong emotional response, I am able to consider the reasoning behind the things we do, however atrocious or ostensibly irrational. I have gained enormous insight into the things that trigger the severe depression and endless frustration I experience, living on this planet, surrounded by beings I've only barely begun to understand. I have learned to tolerate the different types of people, when before I would become angry and hate them with all my heart. Perhaps I would have came to these conclusions without DXM. Who can tell? I only know that, I feel much more secure in myself, and a lot of my anger and ignorance has been replaced by empathy, or, at least, understanding.

That being said, avoid DXM at all costs. It's unpredictable, dark and dreary, and it should not be assumed that you will not succumb to its psychotic nature. I was fucked up before DXM, and will be fucked up after it. I have not reached a place of enlightenment, I do not feel it has given me anything that the 'average' person does not have. In the reality beyond my drug-addled perception, its use is totally pointless. I consider the effect DXM has had on me proof that I am so wrapped up in my own consciousness that I could not possibly escaped without powerful drugs. I would never have done it so frequently, so many times, if I cared about myself or my state of mind.

Anyway, warnings aside, should you choose to do it, or if this report has made you put on your shoes to get your next cough syrup fix that will satisfy your hopeless addiction, have fun. And, of course, fix up your playlist with plenty of good music.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24728
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 23, 2003Views: 23,247
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DXM (22) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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