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Would Smoke Mushies Again
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   Psyber. "Would Smoke Mushies Again: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp24741)". Jun 24, 2003.

0.5 caps smoked Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
  0.5 caps oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
    smoked Cannabis  
I first tried mushrooms approximately 3 weeks ago, having 2 grams of blue meanies and gold caps which I capped and ingested. This experience was so overwhelming and emotional! I was amazed at the shear intensity of mushrooms compared to my other experiences. I almost seemed to go through that life-changing process some people get from mushrooms, and I was a little afraid to have them again so soon due to the power they had!

But last weekend a friend of mine got out his fly agaric skins that he had found about a week ago. He started to dry them in the sun but because the weather has not been crash hot, he tried drying them in the oven.

He was hesitant to try them at first not knowing if they had been dried properly or not, but he broke off a few pieces of one of the skins and mixed it in with a bit of marijuana. Then stuffing a pipe, we had a few tokes on the pipe. The dope was to stop any possible nausea, and so we would start off on a relatively slow dose first.

Almost instantly, I began to see only very slight wavy patterns on the ceiling. Things breathed mildly, and looked a little watery. But it was the fact the effects were so rapid! A short while later we toked on the pipe that was filled with nothing but mushroom and again, the effects came on quickly. This time the breathing effects coming from the walls was a little stronger.

After that we shared half a skin each (and later another half) but they were consumed. The fly agarics were not as intense as the blue meanies or gold caps I had a few weeks before. The effects I had were completely different, some breathing, and slight hallucinations but after that, almost a sedative effect and I ended up dozing off...

I would like to try smoking mushrooms again, simply for the fact that the effects came on very quickly and they don't last for very long. So it seems like an interesting way to have mild acid-like effects for a lazy Sunday afternoon with a good close friend... :)

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24741
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 24, 2003Views: 14,832
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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