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Bizarre Effects
by Nemo
Citation:   Nemo. "Bizarre Effects: An Experience with Cannabis (exp24837)". Aug 18, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I've been a regular user of pot for about 3 years now; I stick to it because I find it's the only 'drug' that will fuck me up perfectly (I.E. Blitzed yet functional for whatever), that and I trust it to not give me some unexpected wacky trip.

In my time using I get a bizarre effect every once in a while. I've talked to friends who also smoke a lot, and they get the same thing; it must just be a phenomenon with THC.
The effect is this: a jolt inside the head. It feels literally like a mild electrical shock; usually goes by pretty quickly, on some rare cases however I've had milder but similar buzzing go on for about 20 seconds. It usually happens under the same circumstances; I have to be pretty blazed for one thing, but this never guarantees an occurrence. The jolts usually happen when I'm on a train of thought and come to a definite conclusion, or when I discover something under any condition.

None of this ever involves anything besides good, dank, Northwest Bud; and they are really inconsistent with when they occur. On rare occasions I've actually gotten a barrage of them while just sitting there doing nothing; like I said however, it's more common when I'm thinking about something intently. They even range in intensity; usually they are mild and certainly by no means unpleasant, I've had stronger and more severe ones too that actually leave me with a slight headache for a little bit (few minutes tops).

This doesn't happen to me with any other substance either (sort of like a falling/liquid feeling I sometimes get with alcohol), they don't increase or decrease the high, and it's always rather pleasant to get them for whatever reason (in other words it's not really the feeling itself of being shocked that's pleasant).


Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24837
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 18, 2020Views: 696
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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