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Like a Well-Oiled Hinge
Amanita muscaria
Citation:   what the hell. "Like a Well-Oiled Hinge: An Experience with Amanita muscaria (exp25115)". Jul 10, 2003.

11 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (tea)
I have always been intigued by amanita mushrooms, and eventually gave in and bought 50 grams of grade A mushrooms. my first experience was with a 8 gram dose, boiled into tea, after work one night. i have to say, i was tired and the mushrooms made it worse...i basically stayed in twilight sleep for three hours than passed out. I later tried a 11 gram dose, this time well-rested, and the results were great, so I'll relate them.

First off, I made a tea. Use as little water as possible when doing this, it doesn't taste great, and the amount doesn't matter, so why drink more? within 20-30 minutes of ingestion I start to feel pill-drunk, like I've taken some codeine and drank three beers. At this point some trippy stuff happens, but I have to say, amanitas aren't psychedelic in the LSD-Mescaline-Mushrooms way. The feeling I get is as if my inner-head, or mind's eye, is no longer fixed in place inside my head. I turn, and it arrives a moment late. The feeling is nice, though, like a well-oiled hinge (that phrase is from my experince notes directly- another is 'like a weed high, but more space-less filler').

This is an equilibrium drug, effecting orientation and depth perception. Objects have a pleasant 'distance' that is not unlike being drunk, but much less stupifying and heavy. It is light; nothing seems attached or fixed. The effects aren't exactly constant. They vary; one moment a lapse of sleepiness will rise, and as I dip into it the nice smooth slipping feeling arouses my senses, and I'm back up. Also this drug doesn't seem to be devoid of aphrodisiac qualities. The effects last about 6 hours in all, and in general, I think the confused relationship between amanitas and psylocibe mushrooms result in a lot of confusion about amanitas' true effects.

These are, in my opinion, the following:
. slight disorientation, more than with weed, less than with alcohol.
. warm body high.
. slight visual disturbance, akin in intensity to marijuana, but more akin in quality to alcohol.
. loopiness, or silliness. grinning and chuckling.
. A feeling of not being attached to anything to solidly. everything seems to slide smoothly.

Overall, amanitas are like drinking five beers slowly with a belly full of high quality goof-balls. Not psychedelic, but real fun.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25115
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2003Views: 10,455
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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