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Oh Synergy Oh Synergy
Salvia divinorium (10x Extract), Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   MikePatton. "Oh Synergy Oh Synergy: An Experience with Salvia divinorium (10x Extract), Cannabis & Alcohol (exp25182)". May 22, 2007.

15 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  0.3333 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I've smoked salvia several times before. I've seen some pretty intense stuff. I once thought I was a chicken wing. I once believed that the world did not exist outside of my field of vision. This experience goes far beyond any of that.

It was the 4th of July. A friend of mine from high school who I don't see often came to visit. The evening started off with hamburgers and beer. By the time the fireworks were over I'd had about 15 beers. I was fairly intoxicated. I went to my room with friends and we smoked a hookah for a while. At some point I smoked a little marijuana. Then I decided that it would be a good idea to smoke some salvia.

I grabbed the bong that I had made a few days earlier. I packed a giant bowl with about 1/3 gram of 10x salvia. I smoked the whole bowl in 2 rather large lungfuls. According to my friend, at this point I dropped the bong and fell out of my chair onto the floor. Apparently I also crawled across the room a little bit.

What happened inside my head is something I can barely explain. I went to some far off distant world. I had no concept of the reality I've known for most of my life. All of my senses were overwhelmed with new and different things that I had never experienced before. My vision zoomed rapidly from one intense sight to another. Unfortunately I don't think any description can do justice to what I experienced.

Slowly I returned to reality. It was very difficult. I had totally forgotten about my previous life. As it returned to me I had to exert quite a bit of effort to grab a hold of it. It almost seemed as though the distant world I had been to was reality and everything else in my life had just been a dream.

Peak effects probably lasted about 10 minutes. Fairly strong after-effects persisted until I went to bed about an hour later.

I'm pretty sure that the intensity of this experience was related to all of the alcohol I had consumed.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 22, 2007Views: 4,799
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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