Untold Secrets Behind a Loved Ones Back
Cocaine & Methamphetamine
Citation:   Still crying in love. "Untold Secrets Behind a Loved Ones Back: An Experience with Cocaine & Methamphetamine (exp25451)". Erowid.org. Apr 1, 2007. erowid.org/exp/25451

My boyfriend and I have been seeing each other for over two years while it has only been officially 4 months at this point. We are still young but have decided that we are going to be married in the future and we are insanely in love with each other.
A few weeks ago I discovered that my boyfriend, and two bestfriends were hiding the fact that my boyfriend is addicted to meth and cocaine. I love this kid more than anything in the world and I really dont mind if he does drugs. But finding out that for three months the only people that you hang out with were hiding something as serious as cocaine use from you is a seriously mind altering fact. The part that hurts the most is that my boyfriend knows that I dont mind drug usage. But the fact that the three of them hid it for three months until his binge was just too bad that he broke down and had to do a line while we were hanging out. Trusting someone with your heart and finding out that they are hiding things from you is the most painful feeling in the world.

Maybe not all women feel like I do but if you are doing meth or coke or any other hard drug and you are in a serious relationship, hiding it from your partner makes it really painful when they find out. I didnt even know my boyfriend was doing meth until I walked back in his friends house to use the bathroom and they both jumped and tried to hide what they were doing from me. Its just painful, any user who thinks they can hide something like this from their partner is insane. But I too know that drugs are fun to experiment with if you use moderation and consideration for the people around you.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25451
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 1, 2007Views: 2,911
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Cocaine (13), Methamphetamine (37) : General (1), Second Hand Report (42), Relationships (44), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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