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The Nausea...
Morning Glory
Citation:   THE NAUSEA!!!. "The Nausea...: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp25454)". Aug 9, 2019.

300 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
In my infinite wisdom I decided to try simply eating MG seeds, rather than using the extraction method(s) I had used before. As another example of my careless stupidity, when preparing these previous extractions I had forgotten to not use tap water; the strength of the experiences was far less than I had expected. So, this time I thought 'Hey, maybe extractions just don't get all the LSA... maybe I should just eat the seeds unprocessed. The nausea can't be THAT bad, can it?'

Ha ha ha, me. Yes, it was 'that bad'.

At around 2:45 AM I counted up 300 seeds then began eating them at around 3:00. About fifteen minutes later, the effects began to kick in. The typical LSA buzz began to kick in, along with a profound sense of tiredness I had not noticed before with the extractions. This fatigue continued until I had to go lay down.

It was at about this point that I began being racked by severe nausea. It was different from the mild nausea I had experienced with the extractions (which were just cold water extractions with a little alcohol thrown in to aid absorption). In fact, it was different from any nausea I had ever had save a minor bout with food poisoning.

Nausea for me is usually characterized by an increase in salivation combined with a general feeling of 'ugh'. This was different; it actually hurt. I could feel the awful poisonous gunk in the seeds roiling around in my stomach.

It got so bad that I found myself completely unable to lie on either side as I usually do. I was forced to lie on my back, a position I find extremely uncomfortable. I turned out the light, hoping either the nausea would fade eventually or the perceptual effects would increase to the point where I didn't notice them.

Unfortunately, neither happened. The nausea got worse. The perceptual effects DID increase, but not in any way I would consider entheogenic. It was more like I had just poisoned myself, which, considering the gunk in the seeds, was probably accurate.

The LSA extractions produced a marked 'head change', a difference in the way I normally think and feel about things, which had led me to some rather profound insights about myself and my environment. Not so this time. The depressant effect of the seeds was somehow amplified by my simply eating them to the point where it was as if I had simply gotten drunk and took Benadryl (diphenhydramine) at the same time. The fatigue this effect caused suppressed most of my thoughts, in a way similar to alcohol, to the point where the few closed eye visuals I had simply appeared at random. They weren't eye-poppingly realistic like those of DXM; I had no sense of 'YOU ARE HERE'. No piloting what resembled a giant red pound cake through subterranean caverns filled with red liquid here (a previous DXM experience), no sir. The visuals were just random junk, again like diphenhydramine.

At one point there was a CEV of a naked girl trying to cover herself up. She looked around and said 'But they'll see my BLINKIES!', which I think was a reference to her breasts. I had to laugh at this one. There were a few kaleidoscopic patterns that were mildly interesting. But these lasted 5 minutes at the most. Time dilation was virtually non-existent as well, but considering my painfully nausea-racked state, I was glad.

By around 7 AM, the nausea had subsided enough to allow me to sleep. It wasn't gone, it had just moved south; it had previously been inhabiting my stomach but moved down into my abdomen.

I still have however many seeds are left after taking 300 from a package of 100g, as well as some Peganum harmala. I plan on experimenting further with both... but NOT without extractions!

I suppose I can't ascribe the fatigue I experienced to simply the effects of the seeds. I had also been awake since 7 AM that morning, and had had a rather stressful day, so it was, in retrospect, stupid for me to take the seeds that day.

As a final note, every time I burped for some time afterward, I was met with a hideous sour taste emanating from my bowels. MG seeds are fun IF USED PROPERLY (AKA an extraction).

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2019Views: 743
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Morning Glory (38) : Difficult Experiences (5), Personal Preparation (45), Alone (16)

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