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Good and Easy
Citation:   Jerkoff. "Good and Easy: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp25558)". Mar 21, 2006.

  oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I remember the first time I ever tried ambien, my friend came over to stay for the weekend and brought some of his with him, (10mg's each). He suggested that I try it with him, he had told me that it was extremely fun, so I did. We both popped 1 pill each, for me the effects have never taken more than 20 minutes to kick in. The high is always very pleasurable for me, and I have been using ambien to get high for over 4 months, I have somewhat built up a tollerance for it, as did my friend but he stopped using it for a month and then started again and the tollerance had completely vanished, like he had never taken it before.

The high, on 10mg:
slight double vision, very talkative, good mood, not shy, a good numb body high, physical activities are very fun and I've also noticed that when I am around people, the high somewhat intensifies, I have found it to be very pleasurable.

quite a bit of double vision, good mood, slight loss of coordination, still very talkative, not shy AT ALL, I could tell your deepest darkest secrets to a complete stranger, a very good body high.

extreme double vision, good mood, extreme loss of coordination, still very talkative, no shy at all like always, this high is quite risky as 30mg is quite a bit.

I've noticed something somewhat weird with all the doses that I've taken with ambien, its weird but fun. I've noticed that if I lay down and close my eyes and think about a certain thing long enough the image will form in my head, and I've actually caught myself talking to people that I've seen.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25558
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2006Views: 11,981
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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