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We Are All Gods
Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis
Citation:   San Afro. "We Are All Gods: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi & Cannabis (exp25665)". Aug 25, 2004.

T+ 0:59
6 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (fresh)
  T+ 2:30 12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (tea)
  T+ 3:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Firstly, a little background info: Having recently moved out of home, there was a period of time where we smoked pot almost every night. Eventually we decided to quit as we started to experience the detrimental effects, and also that we weren't really doing anything with our lives. Quitting was one of the best things I have done - my ability to actually acheive goals and get on with life has increased immensely and put me in much higher spirits. It is this which I beleive made our trip so unbelieveably amazing. The only other drug I have tried is mushrooms. I haven't tried acid, and supposedly this is better than acid, so the way I describe things is relative to a few pretty good but not amazing mushroom trips, and some experience with weed.

So yesterday my mate J and I decided to try the San Pedro that we bought a few days before. Realising that in Australia mescaline and mescaline containing cacti are quite rare (at least to a 19y/o that isn't very deeply into the drug scene at all), we decided to make sure that the experience would be as pleasant and positive as we possibly could, as we might not be able to try it again for a long time, so we stayed close to home. 8am was our designated wakeup time, and it was then that we started our attempt to eat the cactus. This was absolutely disgusting, and to anyone attempting to do this, our final method was this: chop up finely, and put small amounts on a tea spoon, squeeze lemon juice over it and sprinkle lightly with sugar. Follow each spoon with water, and you shouldn't be able to taste the awfullness. Unfortunately there came a time when we couldn't eat any more as we felt quite sick, and anything moving down our throats would cause us to gag. So as we had already eaten about 1/3 of the 2 1.5ft cactus cuttings, we chopped up the rest and started the boil.

At this point (about t+2.5h), it felt like a very very mild mushroom trip, but with a completely clear and focussed head, instead of the chaos and confusion of mushrooms. We were able to hallucinate slightly if we focussed on an object (ie, things would pulsate and wave, and the sky contained very slight patterns), but apart from this we just felt a bit sick, and we had a bit of energy. J said that it felt like he had had a small hit of speed. This was very nice, and if this is all the cactus would do, then so be it - we were still enjoying ourselves. After the cacus bits had boiled for about an hour, we drained off the liquid and proceeded to boil it down to a manageable amount. The pieces were put in more water and boiled. Once we drank the tea (to which we added the remainder of the lemon juice) and got over the sick feeling enough, we packed the bag with some pot (we decided as it had been a week without weed, and today was a special day, we were allowed to smoke some, as long as we didn't for the next couple of weeks), a bong, some lollies and a couple of jumpers. Then started the 30min walk to the bush reserve.

The walk was very pleasant and everything seemed to look alot clearer and more interesting. Our heads were still clear and focussed. Once we got there, we sought out a place to chill for a bit, and perhaps have a smoke. The main field that we were going to go to had a family there so that was a bad idea - instead we followed a narrow track up to a little hill in the bush. We still felt a little sick, so pot wasn't to be smoked yet (for some reason when I smoke while a feel sick, it only makes it worse instead of better...) After a while, the hallucinations (when we chose to hallucinate) were a bit stronger, and a plane flew overhead. The engine noise of this plane was amazing and after this we thought we'd have a cone of hydro to 'kick it in'. This is where the trip really takes off.

There is a level that I like to reach when I smoke which basically makes everything supremely interesting and everything is enjoyable. I have only reached this level about 2-3 times out of the 70-80+ times I have smoked up. 2 minutes after this cone and I was at this level. Everything changed, and I seemed to keep getting higher and higher, with everything looking so amazing and me being able to see patterns in everything. Sections of the dirt track repeated themselves and it was like playing an old arcade rally game with absolutely amazing graphics. We began to laugh and analyze what was going on, being so happy that we were both at 'the level'. As we talked more we realised it was getting more and more intense (in a good way) and about 10 mins after the cone we decided that mescaline was the best drug we had ever taken - little did we realise that it only got better from here.

We decided to walk home and enjoy what we like best - music, or more specifically, the album Come With Us by the Chemical Brothers and also some of our own compositions. On the walk home we came to several realisations: 1) We were currently enjoying the best experience we had ever had and 2) We could control it all. Every time we saw someone I wanted to go up to them and thank them for being part of the best moment of my life. Everything was good and as it should be. I was happy with who I was, what I had done to become who I was and how my life was playing out. Pure bliss. Then the understanding came. We both understood everything, why we were here, what we were doing, what our purpose in life was. By the time we got back home we were so happy and excited. I called my mate J2 who wanted to try it to but had to do other things that day and explained to him that 'we are now really fucked. It is awesome! Forget what I was talking about this morning, I think it just properly kicked in, and it is amazing!!!' to which he asked 'What's it like? What are the visuals like?' and I replied '10/10. Everything is 10/10. The visuals 10/10, my mind 10/10, the world 10/10 - it's all 10/10! The best thing I have ever experienced!' And it was still to get better!

The thing that struck me at this point was that my head was still clear and focussed, and I knew what I was doing - there wasn't any confusion or mis-understanding as with mushrooms and weed (even though we had had a cone each). I could turn the computer on, log in, fire up Live, load up the set we were working on, set it up and hit play. It was so good to be in this state but still be able to do things. And it was during this short 15 min set that we had further realisations. The main one was that we had finally figured life out - we are all gods and can do whatever we want, we just have to realise it. We actually believed we were gods and had cracked life's biggest mystery. The feeling was so amazingly intense I cannot even begin to describe it. Absolutely everything was good. Once we hit this point there was nothing stopping us - we could do anything. Hallucinate? Why not! Looking at the walls and the bed there were the most amazing multicoloured patterns moving all over them, and my mate J looked like an animal but in not the slightest way scary - I didn't have one scary or terrifying hallucination.

As soon as something started to freak me out (which only happened once or twice) I could change it into something good - I was in complete control. The next realisations came that our parents knew that the meaning of life was to realise that we were all gods and could do anything we wanted. We realised that our other mate J2 knew this as well. It was at this point J2 came home with his girlfriend and asked us how we were. We kept telling him he knew too, that he understood as well. He seemed to know what we were talking about, and said that this is what acid is like. One thing we told him was that we might forget how we are gods or not believe it. He told us that if we wanted we should write some of this stuff down so we can remember and keep it fresh in our minds once we came down from the drug. So we did, and filled about 10 pages with the many realisations we were having (ie, the unconcious mind has been trying to let us know we are gods for a long time, the Chemical Brothers know as well and have been trying to tell us - 'Now I think I see the light, lend me your hand, lend me your hand etc.')

After this we lay down and listened to the rest of the album, seeing the most amazing hallucinations and hearing everything in a completely new way. The hallucinations I had been getting throughout the peak were sort of mushroom like but alot better, and a bit different. Mirror images still occured, and facial distorion was there but not too far. Things looked like things but didn't transform completely into new objects (ie, J2's face wasn't completely covered in eyes, but he still had 3 sets of eyes which didn't scare me at all). It was alot more subtle than mushrooms, and if you looked closely or for long enough were more amazing than mushrooms too. Colour played a big part, with the walls of J's bedroom looking blue, or having blue squares all moving horizontally etc.

Music sounded fantastic, and if I closed my eyes I could feel waves of euphoria coming over my body which I have never felt before (apparently this is the part that is similar to mdma). The music would also have an effect on my body, like it was healing it.

At various points in the album, when the music was a little intense and not all that forgiving, I would start thinking things like 'What if I wanted to stay like this forever? What if I get addicted to this?' but soon realised (when the music went happy again) that a) I hadn't ever heard of anyone with mescaline addiction and b) This is sacred, and is there to let you know how life can be, remind you of how good it really is and enables you to take that and infuse it into your own (straight) life. This made me very happy that I was respecting the cactus and gave me more good feelings of wellbeing. After more hallucinaing and good feelings we eventually left the room and went outside. We chatted for a while, looked at the trippy rug in the living room and had another cone. At this point we were definately coming down, but we didn't feel bad at all. The come down was nice and we accepted it as the peak had lasted for so long (about 2-3 hours). A little while after the cone I decided to go to bed and slept no worries. I woke up a couple of times and when I openned my eyes I could still see patterns but this didn't stop me going back to sleep fairly quickly.

Today I feel better than ever, and ready to start back at uni tomorrow. This has definately been an amazing experience - I never realised it was possible to feel so good, and actually believe you are a god! Definately an experience I would like to try again, but not until 4/5 months time or I start to forget what it is like to be a god. Upon reflection the experience is still 10/10.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25665
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 25, 2004Views: 14,080
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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