Better Drunk
Salvia divinorum & Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Arné. "Better Drunk: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Alcohol - Hard (exp25752)". Apr 14, 2006.

  oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    oral Salvia divinorum (leaves)
I was down town trying to get ahold of some hash and met up with a friend that was going to help me with my problem. He was located at this house where a friend of him was having a party, the trashed home due to excessive drinking while his parents are on vacation type of thing. At the time I was pretty ok, no recallable paranoia or anexiety of mentionable degree, but I was way sober.

I got served coffee and 96%, it tasted crap but it did the trick, and because I hadn't been drunk in like 2 months, I was pretty soon drunk.

When I visited vancouver earlier this year, I got 6 grams of salvia, and I've been doing some earlier, so I'm kind of familliar with it.
When we was walking to from the house to some pub, I realized that I still had the bag of Salvia in my pocked. That made me happy, cause we didn't have any weed, and being drunk is really booring.

Me and my friend started to eat, like first just a bit, then we had more, and by the time we arrived to the pub (not long time at all), I could clearly tell that salvia had influenced my brain.

I got the usual things with salvia, like I don't really know where my body are, and I can't really identify the high, and my eyes get this natural openess and the vision and other senses feels so clear.

Mixed with alcohol, it was pretty different. It was very easy to 'use' the salvia/alcohol energy, and I got really energic in a very strange way.

After two beers we hit the street, having salvia in the mouth all the time. The people around us all looked grey and booring, and scary, the last thing we wanted was to end up like them. The only thing not bad was that we had each other, when I look back on the hazy memories it felt really good to have someone on the same wavelength beside me. We started hating all the stupid drunk people, and felt like starting a fight, so we walked around staring angry at them, we actually got really energic on the mixture, on one side very happy, but on the things we didn't like, we felt like using the energy in a very distructive way.

This part of the night was interresting, I was in a much better mood that only alcohol, laughing alot, very happy very energic. But the world outside seemed alot more frightening than on only alcohol, and the party people appeared just as stupid as the always do.

The night ended after using mail boxes for drums and listening to the streets acoustic (and the long talk with the cop who wanted our names), and after a while loosing my friend and roaming the streets alone and pretty freaked out, and finally stealing a bike to head home to another friend of mine.

There I got a hit of hash, but was too friggin hyperactive to fall asleep (I've got adhd, and salvia seems actually to make me more hyperactive, not only in a negative way), and the fact that it was too hot and I was unable to sleep on my stomach cause of too much alcohol in it.

But the morning after, I was behaving really strange. Really strange. I don't know why, but I was behaving (not acting) strange. It was really sketchy thinking back to it, I wasn't my self, and I wasn't hazy either, simply behaving strange.

So if I should conclude a conclusion, it should probably go something like: 'Salvia and alcohol goes very well together during the trip, and enchances the good sides of the salvia, and the alcohol. Many of the things I've mentioned, like fear of the outside world, and all the stupid people in it, I have them anyway and isn't a big deal for anyone but me. The hungover mentioned, now that is something I haven't really experienced before, but it might be the combination of not sleeping at all and being hyperactive so I wasn't hazy at all. If I get the urge/simple upportunity to get drunk again, and have the acces to salvia, I'll use the two substances together, even if it does mean that the hungover will turn me into another personallity for a while, the final line will probably be something like:
'It makes alcohol intoxication more interesting.'

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25752
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2006Views: 12,704
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3)

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