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Misusing SSRIs
Citalopram (Celexa)
Citation:   Czekmayte. "Misusing SSRIs: An Experience with Citalopram (Celexa) (exp25758)". Apr 23, 2007.

280 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

One night for the hell of it, I took a bunch of my anti-depressants (Celexa) because I was feeling very depressed and even suicidal at times. My psychiatrist prescribes me 40mg of Celexa twice a day. I took seven 40mg pills, 280mg of Celexa. This is where I messed up.

Not too long after I ingested the pills, I noticed lights getting brighter and my heart beating a little faster. Before I knew it, I felt like I was having a severe panic attack. Worse than any other ones I've ever had (I suffer from panic attacks and stress and take Klonopin for it). Objects started looking strange, I couldn't think straight (confusion, disorientation), and I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. It was like abusing diphenhydramine at the 400mg - 600mg range. It was not a happy, fun, or exciting experience at all. It was terrible and I regret it even to this day.

I will never try this again and I extremely discourage anyone else from trying it. The pills are for depression, not for having a good ol' time. Take my word for it. Peace.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25758
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2007Views: 36,461
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Pharms - Citalopram (227) : Bad Trips (6), Unknown Context (20)

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