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Cloudland into Dreamtime Turns - Tryps on Tour
AMT, DPT, DiPT, & 5-MeO-DiPT
Citation:   DINGO. "Cloudland into Dreamtime Turns - Tryps on Tour: An Experience with AMT, DPT, DiPT, & 5-MeO-DiPT (exp25910)". Erowid.org. Aug 7, 2003. erowid.org/exp/25910

40 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked DPT (freebase)
    smoked DiPT (freebase)
    smoked Cannabis (freebase)
Early May 2002: I left home for a 7 show tour of the Australian rock group Midnight Oil with AMT and the 3 other tryptamines in freebase form. 1st 3 shows were on the US West Coast (SF, Portland, and Seattle)...next 4 in Western Canada (Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton). It was not until the 2nd Vancouver, BC show that I started the research chemicals.

May 12, 2002 Vancouver, BC - Ingested 40mg AMT and spread DPT freebase oil onto a rolling papers, added the pot along with some DIPT freebase and rolled 2 of these joints to take into the show with me. The AMT came on quickly (up to a +2) and I was well into the trip when Midnight Oil started. A few minutes after the start I lit up one of the joints, took a few hits in quick succession, and all sensation quickly merged into a colorful patterns, strange audio distortions, and an overall sense of well being. A quick +4 few a few seconds to a +3 for the next 10 minutes, and in another 10 minutes (20 total) I repeat with a few more hits and so on for the duration of the show (1 1/2 hours). The overall effects were very pleasant and quite controllable unlike the oral forms of these chems. These remain some of the more intense visuals I have experienced. Did the base hits for a total of 6 times. There seems to be no tolerance or or a 'build-up' from the previous hits taken

May 14, 2002 Calgary, Alberta - Same group, different place. A repeat of May 12 with DPT/5MEO-DIPT used in the rolling mix. Alot less audio distortions from the freebases, much more tactile sensation. A +3 max with a +1 'baseline' from the oral AMT.
Must be some tolerance...overall effects were milder than May 12.

May 15, 2002 Edmonton, Alberta - (Again) same group, different place. There was no way I could handle another 18 hours on AMT so that was omitted. Hits were taken of each substance individually.
The DPT (max +4) is probably the best and most visual, DIPT (max +3)is mostly audio and done alone, often disturbing, 5Meo-DIPT (max +3)mostly tactile with no visual and low audio effects.

By May 19, 2002 I was back home (US). Sure was quite a set of experiences and convinced me, among others, of the use of freebased tryptamines (except AMT) as vapor over the dangers reported recently to this website from insufflation and oral dosing. I have yet to witness any bad trips from these freebase forms. There is alot say about all of this but, may not be wise to go public as this may result in scheduling actions, etc.

August 6, 2003: I can still can re-live those moments with a little DPT freebase, Midnight Oil broke up in DEC 2002 (awaiting a reunion tour), AMT / 5meo-dipt got scheduled, mipt hcl and 5meo-mipt hcl are now avail....and the negative reports still coming in...time to go public...

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25910
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2003Views: 18,692
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5-MeO-DiPT (57), DiPT (110), DPT (21), AMT (7) : Festival / Lg. Crowd (24), Multi-Day Experience (13), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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