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Not as Bad as Everyone Thinks
Citation:   Bergis. "Not as Bad as Everyone Thinks: An Experience with Cocaine (exp25958)". Mar 9, 2020.

  insufflated Cocaine
Everyone claims that Cocaine is soooo bad everyone is like its too addicting and shouldnt ever even be tryed. But I'm here to tell you its not very bad. I have done it for about a month now. Not everyday but off and on. I never bought it but had a really good friend that was in to it. He alowed me to do it for the month for free never charged me. The first time I was sooooo nervous I thought in a state of panic like omg! I'm goin to do Cocaine what if I react badly or its a horrible time. My friend eventualy got me to stop worrying and just have a good time. I did a small to regular size line. Didnt realize but then it kicked in I just felt a mood lift nothin omg huge affects. It was a good time I mean it was still fun and I liked it but not as additing as everyone thinks. I did it with him for a bout a month every once and a while vararying line sizes some HUGE some small but at no time after this do I feel like presuing getting more. I mean it was fun but I realize that it probly could get addicting if I kept on doing it but my friend got caught drug test with it in his system so I cant do it any more I dont mind it was fun while it lasted. It's fun and makes me have a good time, and it really isnt as addicting as everyone says it is

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25958
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 9, 2020Views: 882
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Cocaine (13) : Not Applicable (38), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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