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Pure Warmth and Bliss
Oxycodone & Dimenhydrinate
Citation:   LizardLava. "Pure Warmth and Bliss: An Experience with Oxycodone & Dimenhydrinate (exp26190)". Mar 4, 2007.

30 mg rectal Oxycodone (liquid)
  50 mg rectal Dimenhydrinate (liquid)
Preperation: Put 6 Percocets tablets and 1 Dimenhydrinate 50mg (to help with nausea) in a cup of warm water, let them dissolve fully then stirred the mixture

Note: administering Dimenhydrinate rectally burns a little but that feeling does go away after about 10 minutes.

The reason I did not take them orally is because I just had jaw surgery and I cannot swallow pills. I find administering rectally lasts much more longer then orally and seems to make the onset of the oxycodone to hit much faster.

T- 0:00 - Filled the syringe with the solution and administered rectally.

T+ 0:10 - Starting to feel effects.

T+ 0:20 - Feelings of a warm rush coming from my head then moving down through my body. Feeling very very relaxed now.

T+ 0:30 - Europhic effects coming on strong, also feeling side effects of itching mostly my face and scalp are itchie.

T+ 0:40 - I would usally be feeling very sick to my stomach about now, but it seems that the anti-nauseant is working very well.

T+ 0:50 - I am experiencing mild visual and audio hallucinations, I was just outside and I kept seeing things in the cornor of my eye and kept hearing my mom call my name and other noises that were not real.

T+ 1:00 - The itchy sensations are actually feeling good when I scratch were it is itchy it feels very satisfying.

T+ 1:10 - I feel so tired now, everytime I get up and walk around it feels like my body is a puddle of bliss it is kind of hard to explain, when I lay on my couch and close my eyes it actually feels like I am a puddle rippling and such. I love this feeling.

T+ 1:20 - I can actually consume food while I'm on perk's! I never can do that. Must be the anti nauseant. I just drank a bottle of sobe lizard lava strawberry flavour it was very good, looking in the mirror my pupils are very tiny.

T+ 1:30 - It seems that the europhic effects are fading away, It seems to fade then come back for a bit then fade etc.

T+ 1:45 - Sitting on my couch watching tv I keep nodding off, then waking back up whenever I start to nod, its like I am half way asleep stuck between awake and sleep mode its really cool the way it feels.

T+ 2:00 - went to sleep

This is by far my favourite drug of all time, If I had a constant sorce of getting perks I would be doseing as much as I could. Next time I dose I am going to go camping in the woods with my girlfriend. Percocets make me very horny and loving, I'm sure it would be an awesome experince to spend with someone who I love that much. I am also going to have to limit myself with this drug because as I said I could easily dose everyday and it would suck because my tolerance would sky rocket and I'd run out of pills very fast.

Have fun dosing


Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26190
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2007Views: 18,596
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Oxycodone (176) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Alone (16)

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