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Questioning Reality...And a Lack of It
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Diluted0. "Questioning Reality...And a Lack of It: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp26355)". Nov 27, 2006.

15 g oral Morning Glory (extract)
After being on the hunt for LSD for several months with no luck I decided to give morning glory seeds a try. I went to my local store Picking up 3 packets of heavenly blue morning Glory seeds 5 grams of seeds per packet. I also picked up a bottle of Dasani bottled water. I got home finding a Pepper grinder that I had recently found (The sort of grinder Which has to be turned manually.) so I emptied the contents of the each packet into grinder and began grinding the seeds onto a plate. This took quite awhile, Realizing halfway through tht I should have just bought an electric coffee grinder.

After all of the seeds have been turned into a fine powder I take a funnel and siphon the seed matter into the bottle of water. I wrapped the bottle in a towel and put it hidden in a box in a completely dark room. I let it sit for 45-60 mins then took a spaghetti strainer and drained the now murky brown liquid Through the strainer into a bowl, Discarding the seed mush.

Now comes the hard part...Drinking the vile tasting stuff, Others may not think its that bad it basically tastes exactly how it smells, Just a stomach turning smell, But its not hard to swallow while chasing it down with a Pepsi. After drinking the liquid I decide to go up to the video store and rent a movie, I figure the matrix would be cool to watch while trippin'. So, I rent it and walk back home. I get home pop in the matrix, While starting to come up for the trip, I feel similar to being quite high on a substantial amount of marijuana, yet with a clarity of my mind Unlike the stupor feeling of weed.

By this time My stomach is feeling watery-bloated feeling and my thigh area is cramping quite badly (This is about 1 hr 30 mins after) I remember really getting into the movie almost feeling 'as if I were a part of it' Not like a character in it but my mind was completely centered on the movie it was as if the movie was the only thing that mattered for the moment. It was at the part where neo takes the pill and pukes when I began feeling like I was going to puke, But thinking that probably wouldnt be a good idea if I wanted to trip I fought it for another 40 mins or so. I paused the movie and decided to go outside for a little while to look at the stars and think about things.

I lay on my back porch swing and look upon the stars with a clarity and understanding of everything. The sky seemed to bulge out at me, and the trees around me developed a strange green pattern to its leaves. I recall talking to myself about things just questioning everything, Wondering about how life works etc. I decide then to go on a short walk to think even more deeper about things. I found it extremely easy to talk to people without them having any idea that i was on anything. So, I go on a walk thinking about just everything, recently my girlfriend had been put on Probation and was not allowed to see me or have any contact whatsoever with me which had really gotten me down until I had taken the LSA, I was thinking of her and all I could think was, dont worry things will be ok, everything will work out, Just dont worry.

I get home and watch more of the matrix, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but I realize that it probably is a little influential while under the influence of a psychedelic, but do you think I stop watching it? Of course not..So I finish watching this and start questioning reality. Im talking full blown questions and feeling a lack of reality. Everything seems like it was happening just like the matrix, Nothing seemed real, Not because of the Drug but the way the world in general is. We were all wired into a reality trip, without the knowledge needed to set us free. I go upstairs and start writing things, Everything was so easy to think fully through, everything seemed to flow without any mental blockage.

I feel the freedom of childhood that seemed to have passed by so quickly. I was truly happy at this moment I then saw what looked like a Mexican Jumping bean (remember those?!?) That was an animated one, bouncing in circles with the sound BOING BOING
BA-BOING BOING! repeating over and over. I Was peaking at this time, which was probably 3 hours into the trip. Everything still had so much clarity I found it so easy to express my inner emotions into words. Its now 2 am and i decided to go down to the bathroom and as I walk down the stairs the whole room looked like one of those strange crazy mirror mazes.

I make it to the bathroom and look into the mirror and notice my pupils are continuously Contracting and expanding. This was not a halucination my eyes were just continously getting big then small big then small. It didnt freak me out or anything I thought it was kinda cool though ;P So anyways Its like 3 am and I'm feeling really drowsy at this time so i decide to shut off all the lights and go upstairs and lay in my bed. This is when I really started trippin' ballz. A word of advice forget 'trippy lights' such as strobes and black lights etc..SHUT OFF ALL THE LIGHTS DURING YOUR PEAK! TRUST ME!

So, Im laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling and i see this light on a coffee table thing spinning around on my ceiling (Almost exactly like the table/light from alice in wonderland) and I look in the corner and see a shadow creature with a large nose and glowing eyes looking at me (not scary though) At the same time I feel as if Im in nazi era germany I hear a voice speaking what sounds like german through a megaphone with a crowd saying YEAH! as he speaks. Then I hear what can only be described as an infinite space vaccuum Sound. It sounds like a loop of a vaccuum sound going on this circle with a warp at the same point everytime.

Then I hear 'Injected with a poison' with an echo repeating over and over. Also I hear another voice saying 'The Madman's drug, The drug of madness.' All of this going on at the same time. While also hearing a record player being slowed down, then I realize I can slow it down with my own thoughts, Or speed it up if I prefer. It was truly AMAZING! So at somepoint I eventually drift off into dreamland, that of which I dont recall falling asleep or dreaming for that matter. Overall it was an amazing trip though. A 3-4 hour peak at least Id say it was amazing.

The next day I woke up feeling somewhat normal. I realize now I definately shouldn't have watched the matrix while trippin'. For more than a month I was almost positive reality wasn't real and I still am having a difficult time believing that it is real. A lesson to be learned that I must warn you, If you go questioning reality and life..It will come back to kick your ass. Imagine waking up to a feeling of voidness, A lack of feeling of anything at all really. Im not sure if this was due completely to watching the matrix on LSA or from my previous use of the Disassociative, DXM. But all i can say is that it isn't great thing to be constantly wondering if reality is real, or not.

I still havent fully recovered from the whole lack of reality thing. Maybe the quest for the understanding of reality is one of the few mysteries better left unsolved, because there is no true answer. So, If you decide to embark on this quest for answers to reality, BE WARNED. Its not a game, You will suffer the consequences if you choose to stir up things that you or me are not ready to challenge in our lifetimes. I was in a state of total lack of feeling for almost 3 months and I still have not fully recovered.

Its undescribable but just be aware, question reality it it will only make you question yourself with the punishments it chooses.

Peace and Serenity,
Diluted 0

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26355
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2006Views: 6,549
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Post Trip Problems (8), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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